
Beautiful and Safe Places

Beautiful and Safe Places

Beautiful and Safe Places

aA Special One TA, Urban Threadz Frames
FrenchKiss Collection - Brayered Masks
Palvinka Texture Pack - paper

My vision was getting so poor that I often couldn't read or type things. Kate's surgery depended on more test results, but was on the schedule within a week. Fred's cancer was back and I switched to Britta. I racked my brain for ideas for more beautiful and safe places to escape to.
This is a sparse layout for you...and I think I get it. As my internist says (and he's been my guy since I was in my 20s, through thick and a lot of thin, so we've essentially grown up together)...at our age, something breaks down, you fix it, you live, something else breaks down, you fix that, you live, and each time, you learn to live more fully in between the repairs. Kind of like dealing with well-maintained cars. It's not for sissies. Onward.
Beautiful places, indeed. We all need these to escape to now. Hope these help you through trying times.
OMG you are going through a lot, I hope that Kate will have more results soon. I don't know Fred, it is terrible that the cancer is back of course. Your photos are great and I hope you get more rest!
Ouch! That's a lot to go thru. Sending mega healing vibes to all. Love your photos and the muted vibe.
A beautiful place to escape and feel safe! Thinking of you and Kate.
You have discovered a majestic hide-away! I hope each of you heals completely!
I hope you found somewhere beautiful. So much going on in your life. Thinking of you.

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Anna Aspnes
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