
Baby Dear

Baby Dear

This is the first time I have journaled about losing my baby in my first pregnancy.
Journaling Reads:I always dreamed of being a Mom. When I found out I was pregnant with you I had been married a year and I was so excited. But
God had other plans and you went to heaven before I even had a chance to say hello. That was October 1982 and you would be 27 now.
Would you have been a boy or a girl. If you had been a girl, you would have grown up with two brothers who would have protected you
and if you had been a boy, your two brothers would have looked up to you and I am sure you would have been the three muskateers. I
wonder if you would be married and have made me a Grandma. Your Grandma had already made you a special quilt and you could have
given it to your child. Your Grandma has since gone on to heaven to and I am sure you have gotten to know each other by now. Just
knowing you were in heaven gave me peace and comfort. I loved you even if only for the short time I knew you and already had
started to make plans for you. I look forward to the day when I enter heavens gates and hear you call me Mom.
Psalms 139:14 I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made

Kit is TaylorMade Moderation Question Mark is Misty Cato Alpha in 3 Colors Font is PC Scratch Pad
Susan ... this is gorgeous!! Stunning layout ... and such heartfelt tough journaling! Thank you for sharing it with us!
What a great page. This really touches my heart. My oldest sister died a couple of hours after she was born. It was 1956 and premature babies didn't live very often then. My mom is now 77...soon to be 78. She is currently battling lung cancer. But however the treatments turn out, she knows that the day is getting close when she can finally see Brenda!
ok... so i was choked up, but your journaling was so uplifting, i managed to make it through with out tears... until that last line. now i'm sitting here like a crazy person with tears streaming down my face. and the fact that this was the first time you've journaled about this... THIS is why i love what we do in scrapbooking and EXACTLY why i always want THIS kind of challenge. i am so happy that you got this out on paper. thank you soo much for taking this challenge seriously and truly pouring your heart into it. i know... absolutely KNOW that this layout is in this gallery for a reason and that those who need to see it will inevitably be led to it. this is an amazing testimony and your message here is truly inspiring. ((((hugs))))
These pages are just amazing. So heart felt and things that others can relate to. I have also gone through this and felt so much the same way. The timing was different and so I know that it didn't work out so that i could have my daughter that I have now but at the time it was so heart breaking and I was so thankful that the baby was in heaven. Thank you for sharing your heart.

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