


Havent done a page using photos of my oldest Granddaughter Autumn in a long time. Used the FotoInspired Template in a little different way.

AnnaRelease 30 January 2015AnnaRelease30January2015

FotoInspired Template Pack No. 21FotoInspiredTemplatePackNo.21
ArtPlay Palette MemorableArtPlayPaletteMemorable
ArtsyStains No. 1ArtsyStainsNo.1
FadedWords Memories No. 1FadedWordsMemoriesNo.1

Additional Supplies:
TapedTextures No. 9tapedTexturesNo.9
ArchiTextures No. 7ArchiTexturesNo.7

Notes: Opening the first page of the FotoInspired 21, I had the intention of using it as is, thats not how it ended up. After I brought in the 2 photos I started to play around and came up with this. After deciding where I wanted the large photo, I moved the masks around to accommodate the photo and clipped a copy to each mask. 6 in all. Then using a duplicate mask I clipped the second photo to it and used the frame over the photo. I blended the various mask to give the page a edgy look. With the second photo I turned it black and white and used the Cut Out filter.

In-between these layers I added the architecture brushes, a brush from the kit, the word art and taped textures. A transfer is at the left edge.I added the title, using a color from Autumns shirt and blended. I also added her name to the left edge of the page, gave it a bevel and emboss and turned down the fill opacity to 0%. I think that finished the page.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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