


Havent done a page using photos of my oldest Granddaughter Autumn in a long time. Used the FotoInspired Template in a little different way.

AnnaRelease 30 January 2015AnnaRelease30January2015

FotoInspired Template Pack No. 21FotoInspiredTemplatePackNo.21
ArtPlay Palette MemorableArtPlayPaletteMemorable
ArtsyStains No. 1ArtsyStainsNo.1
FadedWords Memories No. 1FadedWordsMemoriesNo.1

Additional Supplies:
TapedTextures No. 9tapedTexturesNo.9
ArchiTextures No. 7ArchiTexturesNo.7

Notes: Opening the first page of the FotoInspired 21, I had the intention of using it as is, thats not how it ended up. After I brought in the 2 photos I started to play around and came up with this. After deciding where I wanted the large photo, I moved the masks around to accommodate the photo and clipped a copy to each mask. 6 in all. Then using a duplicate mask I clipped the second photo to it and used the frame over the photo. I blended the various mask to give the page a edgy look. With the second photo I turned it black and white and used the Cut Out filter.

In-between these layers I added the architecture brushes, a brush from the kit, the word art and taped textures. A transfer is at the left edge.I added the title, using a color from Autumns shirt and blended. I also added her name to the left edge of the page, gave it a bevel and emboss and turned down the fill opacity to 0%. I think that finished the page.
Wonderful page! Very creative with the template and I love the colors.
Such an amazing composition, and how lucky you are to have such a granddaughter!
Creative use of the template! Beautiful granddaughter and page!
Gorgeous use of the architectures! And the subtelty of the masks is genius. Beautiful!
Totally artsy, Barbara! Your granddaughter's adorable! Love reading about the evolution of your page!

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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