
August Art Journal Challenge Week 3 - Summer's End.

August Art Journal Challenge Week 3 - Summer's End.

Here is my page for Oscraps August Art Journal Challenge Week 3 - Summer's End.

JOURNALING (Translated from Dutch to English using Deepl)
It is almost here. As August rolls on, we cannot deny that summer is beginning its final chapter. The days are getting noticeably shorter and the weather seems to be slowly turning against us. During this time of transition, I experience what is often called the "August blues" - a feeling of mixture between melancholy and slight restlessness.
For me, this feeling begins with a hint of anxiety. It's as if a small voice in my head is whispering that I didn't get enough out of summer. There were plans that remained unfinished, trips that didn't get made, or moments that I didn't experience to the fullest. The idea that summer is almost over creates a certain restlessness, a desire to make the most of the time that remains.
In an attempt to calm this anxiety, I often find myself suddenly catching up. Suddenly I want to plan and do all sorts of things - weekend excursions, barbecues, beach days and social gatherings. It's as if I want to catch up on time and make sure I don't miss anything important. This urge to experience all sorts of things quickly can feel hectic, but it's an understandable reaction to the impending change of season.
But eventually the realization comes. The realization that summer cannot last forever permeates. It becomes increasingly clear that the warm days, free evenings and carefree atmosphere will gradually give way to autumn. And that is when melancholy really strikes. A bit of dejection mingles with my thoughts. It is a saying goodbye to something I have cherished - a season of relaxation and casualness.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Laitha
  • Love
Reactions: lacy

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800px x 1132px

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