
AnnaLift - Me and My Sister

AnnaLift - Me and My Sister

Journaling: My sister and I had the usual sibling relationship growing up. We played together, and fought and screamed at each other. Both of us are competitive, so that created a lot of - shall we say, tense situtations. My mother would always tell us, Stop fighting! There is no one closer to you than your sister. Some day, well be gone and you will only have each other. At the time, of course, we would roll our eyes and continue fighting.
But as the years have passed, I have seen the wisdom of my mothers words. No one knows me better than my sister, and we are now best friends. I hear myself saying those same words to my two sons. I hope that as they grow, they will remember that they will always have each other like my sister and I do. Kitty, January 1, 2017, Me and Kitty, 1962

Paper: Anna Aspnes ArtPlay Metro Graffiti
Anna Aspnes Artsy Layered Template No. 22
NBK Designs BeMerryBeBright Styles, ArtANDJournal PaintStyles

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Anna Aspnes
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