
AnnaLIFT: Epic, Cosmic Stuff

AnnaLIFT: Epic, Cosmic Stuff

After my computer died I wasn't sure if I’d get everything back after the repair, or nothing at all. And I wouldn’t know for weeks. It was a major setback and oddly happened while I also was having a critical issue with my blood pressure. It was all hilarious and tragic at the same time.
Credits list
Anna Aspnes: Papers (Winter, Frondescence), Frame, Threadz
Rachel Jefferies: Epic, Cosmic Stuff
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. Rachel Jefferies
Well, glad you can see hilarity in things - that's important. Sorry about both your computer and blood pressure. Somehow your background is dark but your message is hopeful! Love the ticket frame and the "epic, cosmic stuff" wordart
Please think of yourself first, high blood pressure should never be underestimated. I hope everything goes well with your computer now, I hope nothing was lost, that's so very sad. Your pages are gorgeous!!
Hoping the computer recovery is a success and that helps the blood pressure along with all the other things you are probably doing to get that in a better place.
Thanks for all your comments. @myla @dwsewbiz @twinsmomflor @vickyday @Marleen
@Adryane I have a very good cardiologist managing my autonomic issues, who's guiding me through critical blood pressures so I'm not worried. It does make me feel like there's a lot of pressure, even on a good day, though. I feel confident we'll manage to gain control and be better off than in the "before" times. I''m still dizzy, but he'll be happy with my more than 1-mile hike.
ttes belle page comme toujours, j'espère que vous avez pu récupérer votre ordinateur sans perdre votre travail , et que votre tension artérielle se stabilise, je connais tous ces soucis...
Wonderful! I love the ground that you have created for the series of blue jay photos!

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Anna Aspnes
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990.6 KB
1224px x 775px

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