

Anna Lift - Catch A Glimpse

Recently the City put the hanging baskets up on the lamp posts in town and before long they will grow into huge balls of hanging petunias that people just marvel at, and I dont blame them. This is the lamp post closest to where I work. I too will be documenting with more photos . . . finding moments when it isnt swarming with tourists. Ive been known to tell people to move away. Tsk . . . tsk. Naughty me, but I dont care.

ArtPlay Palette HeartlandArtPlayPaletteHeartland
ArtsyTransfers MomentsArtsyTransfersMoments
ArtsyTransfers Beautiful DayArtsyTransfersBeautifulDay
FotoBlendz Overlays No. 2FotoBlendzOverlaysNo.2
Memento WordART MixMementoWordARTMixNo.1
See WordART No. 1SeeWordARTNo.1
ButtonThreadz No. 2ButtonThreadzNo.2
LightLeaks No. 3LightLeaksNo.3
UrbanStitchez No. 2UrbanStitchezNo.2
Stitched By Anna Black No. 1 (Retired)
Looped UrbanThreadz No. 1LoopedUrbanThreadzNo.1
UrbanStitchez Leaves No. 1urbanStitchezLeavesNo.1
Different Strokes No. 5 (Retired)
Photo taken with my iPhone

Process Notes: Using a solid paper from Heartland, I placed the FotoBlendz, clipped the photo to the mask, and duplicated the photo two more times. First copy blended to Screen and second copy blended to Overlay at 67% opacity.

Opening the transfers psd files and placing a few underneath the photo and leaving them on Normal blend mode, I recolored one of them with a Hue/Saturation Adjustment and bringing it down to 80% opacity. Then just above the photo and transfer layers, I used a Brightness/Contrast Adjustment to change the lighting on all those layers to give it a richer look.

A few more transfers went over the photo layers along with textures and brushes and a light leak. Here I used different blend modes and opacity adjustments.

Adding the stitches to frame my photo and placing the charm, recoloring the butterfly to a purple shade using a Hue/Saturation Adjustment layer.

On the left side, I placed the button from Heartland, recoloring it also with a Hue/Saturation layer to match the flowers in the photo and placing a button thread over it. Underneath, I placed the leaves stitching, overlay from Heartland along with a brush taking the color from the photo. In the mix I placed the word art.

I placed the title of the page at the end of the horizontal stitching on the right side after having it all over the page at one time or another, and called it done. And as I always do when Im finished, I CMD/A to select all, go to Image and select Crop from the drop down menu to delete all the layers that are hanging over the edges of the layout. This cuts down on the file size of the finished page by quite a bit.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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