My grandson has has some battle to overcome. He's a fighter. I expect him to overcome them all. Jsut the other day- with a prompt from dad I heard him say "Hi Gramma, I love you" It was sweet sweet song.
Journaling: You were just reaching the prime age for language development and making many
different sounds. Meningitis stole away your hearing. For seven months you were locked in a
world of silence. Then you received your cochlear implants. It wasnt long before you began
vocalizing and learning to speak. Friends, family and therapists were amazed with your language development. Now the number of words you are saying is growing by leaps and bounds. I am so proud of you and love hearing your voice and words. But mostly, dear Isaac, my heart overflows with gratitude when I see you hearing.
Credits: Oscraps Collaboration kit: Oh So Thankful
Corner Photo Credits: Portrait Innovations
Fonts: Tekton Pro, Cursive Handwriting tryout.