

A slow start

We're having a slow start to the year, Colin had his second hip replacement on 21st Dec so we're at the gentle exercise stage plus I got a pesky chest infection. Neve and Felix came for the day on the 5th and got a chance to play with some of Sophie and Scarlett's Christmas gifts before I dispatch them to Brighton.

Haven't done anything to the template apart from reduce in size slightly, move the stitching and add some overlays/transfers/paper overlay and splatters from De Facto ArtPlay Palette.
Credits list
Month Review Template Album 8
ArtPlay Palette De Facto

Also used: Rachel Jefferies Bluewood Ephemera Bits
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
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Reactions: digigal
Wonderful extractions here, making great use of the template without it looking like a monthly template :-) Wow, Neve! I remember her as a baby :-)
Great extraction and OOB effects. Lots of details that somehow don't look busy. Marvelous!
Wonderful how you have pulled the images together! The extraction really adds a twist to the template!
I notice the face blur--are you doing that routinely? I am debating adopting that because the use of AI has added yet another dimension to internet image pirating. (Cool layout, and yes, Colin should have listened to you....)

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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File size
655.2 KB
1000px x 1000px

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