

A Matter of Fact

  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Using some techniques learned in the SO Creative Project along with a freebie text spiral.
Credits list
ArtsyKardz Trouvaille MultiPack
Artsy Transfers Trouvaille
Artplay Palette Trouvaille (paper, transfer, splatters, heart, nail fence)
MultiMedia Trouvaille 1
MultiMedia Trouvaille 2
Trouvaille WordART Mix 1

Artplay Palette Studious (glasses recolored)
Straight Lined Stitched White 2 (recolored black) retired

A solid paper from APP Trouvaille was used as the foundation for the page. The 6x6 ArtsyKardz_1 (psd. file) was opened up. The layers were rotated 90º. The half face image was added. The 6x6 ArtsyKardz 1 jpg. file was opened up. Using the rectangle marquee tool a portion was copied and cut, then layered onto the left side of the psd. file with a drop shadow added. A straight lined stitch was added. The text spiral was layered under the image. Artsy Transfers Trouvaille 2 was placed at the top of the page.The page was completed by using different embellishments from MM Trouvaille 1 and 2, embellishments from the kit along with splatters, stains and word art.

Thank you for looking!
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
I love that text loop! One of these days I will learn how to do a path. Gorgeous concept, stupendous execution, and congrats on that Standing O!
congrats.. well done. Love the glasses and circular red text..fantastic choice of elements.
An absolutely outstanding page - the texture, dimension and creative outlooking is fabulous! congrats on your Standing O!!
Congrats on the SO and the feature! Another gorgeous and awe-inspiring page for your book. Super creative!
Congrats on the Standing O - so deserving! its like a card and he just pops off! the text on a path is so cool along the shadows to give such depth to this page! gorgeous!
Absolutely stunning page design ... Congratulations on the Standing O and on the so well deserved GSO!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
314 KB
800px x 800px

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