
A Grandmother's love is never forgotten

A Grandmother's love is never forgotten

A Grandmother's love is never forgotten
Me with my Gram circa 1998


everything from
Choubinette Designs Red for ever

I did all the shadow work.
please tell me if you see a mistake I am really trying to improve my spelling and grammar.
This is my favorite photo of me and grandma. I love our smiles and how we have our faces together, but I see the pain we are hiding in our eyes. Do you?

This photo was taken right after my fathers trial. Its hard for me to even look at this photo without thinking about that long year and court trial of that stupid stupid man!

I never believed the charges at the time. Maybe it was too shocking. I cant even bring myself to tell many people about it. At some point I have to explain to my son why I do not talk to my father. I dread that day..but that day is not today.

My Grandmother hid her pain for the next 5 years until her passing. It really took its toll on her.

In spite of the fact that my relationship with my father was rocky at best, my relationship with his mother is still going strong! I love her each and every day, she was a wonderful Grandma. I try to find strength in the 34 years of memories and how lucky I was to have her for so long.

And most importantly I have to remind my brother and cousins when ever I can that - I was her favorite!
What a lovely page and tribute to your grandmother. How lovely that you had such a wonderful relationship with her, even with the pain in your lives.
what a beautiful tribute to a wonderful and strong woman! I am so glad you have a great picture of you two smiling to remind you of her.

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