

A Change in Perception {Week 4 AJ}

The Week 4 of the March AJ Challenge has been posted. Our word prompt for March is PERSPECTIVE. This week, Chris challenged us to flip one of our layouts, to get a different perspective. I flipped my layout from Week 1, which had a horizontal perspective, and it became a diagonal perspective. kept the LifeLine Grief border as an homage to Chuck.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Lynne Anzelc Designs
  2. Rachel Jefferies
Photo(s) Credit (REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
Original photograph (background) by my granddaughter, Ava Graves.
WOW!!!! WOW WOWOWOW!!! Changing the perspective of the building totally changed the layout!!! WOW! And building a new scene on top of it, just WOW! I love everything about this. Its just stunning. Standing O!
Agreed with Tracy!! This is visually stunning and creatively brilliant. Just amazing in all aspects.. LOVE! Congratulations on your Standing O!
WOW!!!! WOW WOWOWOW!!! Changing the perspective of the building totally changed the layout!!! WOW! And building a new scene on top of it, just WOW! I love everything about this. Its just stunning. Standing O!
Oh my goodness, Tracy, thank you SO SO much!! I had so much fun flipping and redoing this layout. Thank you for your awesome comments and the Standing O!!!
Dang!!! Your page *nailed* the challenge! It is exactly what I was hoping for when I wrote this up. Love everything, including the important parts that stayed put♥
Congrats on the Standing O!!

Layout information

Art Journal
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Member Galleries, Lynne Anzelc Designs, Oscraps Cheery O's, Rachel Jefferies,

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File size
102.2 KB
700px x 700px

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