

1930-Road Trip-Conclusion.jpg

Here it is, at last, the end of the journey. Aunt Ellen wrote a "Conclusion" page that included their total expense for travel, gasoline, oil, and total mileage driven. At the end she penciled in "Finis" with a flourish. They Left Yakima, Washington 22 September 1930 and returned 29 December 1930. Traveled through 17 states. Visited family in Michigan, Ohio, and Kansas.

The total cost was $153.04. Total miles driven was 11,492 miles. We used 402 gallons of gas. That is as near as can be figured. Used 28 quarts of oil."

Eleven flat tires with four of those being on Christmas day.

Thank you for looking, and thank you to everyone who rode along on this journey and shared a little piece of history.
Credits list
APP Project Album No. 7_26
December 2021 Project daily prompts (Title)
APP Archive artsy paper (background)
aA Multi-Media Documents No. 3 (papers and elements. Duplicated pieces and placed in and around the page, clipped to blendz mask and layered in frame masks.
Vintage "Touring" game cards (mine)
Family photo: Alton standing by the car before unpacking after their return to Yakima
"Finis" scanned from diary page
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Wow
Reactions: lacy

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Anna Aspnes
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3.8 MB
Date taken
Tue, 01 February 2022 12:50 PM
3600px x 3600px

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