
1885  Mini Valentine

1885 Mini Valentine

When going out,especially in the winter,girls wore lots of layers to keep warm.A warm coat was worn with kid leather gloves.A muff hand warmer was worn over the gloves, so when the girl removed her hands her gloves would keep them warm.Just like ladies, all upper-class Victorian girls wore gloves when going out.A hat or bonnet was worn as well, along with long,knee-length button-up boots or shorter boots with gaitors to give the appearance of wearing long boots.A famous doctor said (1884)No doubt many of the objections which medical authorities have raised to flannel being worn next to the skin have arisen from observations on the poor,who often will put on a flannel shirt or vest and keep it on till it almost falls to pieces.When I was house-surgeon to a hospital I have more than once noticed an expression of surprise when a patient suffering from a skin affection was asked when his flannel shirt was last washed,the idea that a flannel shirt required washing never apparently haying occurred to him

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