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  • Media owner zlemon
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New occupant in my friend's owl house. A crafty man in my neighbor group makes these owl houses, so far he's made 895! Most are occupied!

Thanks for looking!
Credits list
Used Anna Aspnes' cover template from a template album, paper and elements.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
That's amazing that he's been able to make so many owl houses! You got a great photo and I love your title. The branches are a nice touch, too.
Fantastic photo and kudos the your neighbour. The simplicity of the page is perfection. Thanks for showing just how effective white space can be.
Superbe. Il a l'air de se plaire dans sa nouvelle maison. Dommage que votre voisin ne soit pas le mien car dans mon quartier nous avons des chouettes Athéna et j'aurai bien installé un de ces nichoirs pour elles.
Love this owl house. We have a great horned owl outside my window many mornings, but no idea where he lives or what house he needs. Hmmm. Wonderful photo and great use of white space.
That's amazing that he's been able to make so many owl houses! You got a great photo and I love your title. The branches are a nice touch, too.
Thanks for those nice comments. He’s retired and has a whole community waiting for his owl boxes as he calls them. And thankfully he shares every photos he gets of their occupants.
Fantastic photo and kudos the your neighbour. The simplicity of the page is perfection. Thanks for showing just how effective white space can be.
Thanks for your kind comments. I, too, love how a white space design really focuses on the photo.

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Challenge 7
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600px x 600px

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