
Do you spent much time on your mobile phone?


Well-Known Member
I try not to, but it's so easy to scroll through my insta and facebook. Check my e-mail, the news, whats app and so on.
When I need clothes I search the internet or scroll through Vinted or a Dutch version called Marktplaats.
Looking up information for my garden, watching interesting video's on You Tube.
The other week I found out you can see on your phone how much time you have spent doing stuff on your phone. Turns out I spent 2 - 4 hours per day on my phone. Some Saturday's it was almost 6 hours.
I was shocked, all that time I could have spent reading or doing other stuff. I don't mind following the news so much, but social media and games??
I need to cut down my phone time drasticly!!

What about you?
I spend a lot of time on mine. Most of mine is through text messages. I won't even tell you how many of those I get a day. LOL My whole family are texters - most of them work at home, but they're still working and don't have time to talk, so we text a lot. Instagram takes up a lot of my "phone time" because you can basically only post from your phone. I have a lot of CT layouts to post on there - and a few personal things, too. LOL I just looked and I'm at 3 hours and 16 minutes already! HOW did that happen?????

At least our phones keep track of our time, now - I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
I spend a lot of time on mine. Most of mine is through text messages. I won't even tell you how many of those I get a day. LOL My whole family are texters - most of them work at home, but they're still working and don't have time to talk, so we text a lot. Instagram takes up a lot of my "phone time" because you can basically only post from your phone. I have a lot of CT layouts to post on there - and a few personal things, too. LOL I just looked and I'm at 3 hours and 16 minutes already! HOW did that happen?????

At least our phones keep track of our time, now - I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

I hope you can text with two fingers at the same time. I can't, I make too many typos when I try. I text with only my forefinger. Takes forever to make a text :giggle4:.
I spend the least amount of time on my phone in my household, but we are all addicted to that darned pocket devil.
i play games - would do it on my tablet but this one game i like a lot crashes on the tablet and works well on the phone - have other games i regularly play on tablet so it works out well in the end.
Unfortunately yes. And sometimes I wonder how I got along before there were smartphones :rolleyes:

@Cherylndesigns / Cheryl ... why you don't use desktop for instagram? I use it for my posting from my pc.
I spend TONS of time on my phone, but not really scrolling... I do my emails, grocery shopping, work scheduling, communication related to school/delivery/household/work/payments and transfers... I search for recipes, plan weekend trips... my whole life is on my phone...
I don't use phone for web or calls. i only play cafeland world kitchen, my phone showed a motivation of weekly report... was on the game 80 hours. Sure wonder the weekly hours on farmvillle back then, miss that, had 80 farms to jump to, not just one café
I spend TONS of time on my phone, but not really scrolling... I do my emails, grocery shopping, work scheduling, communication related to school/delivery/household/work/payments and transfers... I search for recipes, plan weekend trips... my whole life is on my phone...
Wow, that is amazing. I do some of hte stuff you say, but I rather use my laptop because it's larger!
I don't use phone for web or calls. i only play cafeland world kitchen, my phone showed a motivation of weekly report... was on the game 80 hours. Sure wonder the weekly hours on farmvillle back then, miss that, had 80 farms to jump to, not just one café
Wow, 80 farms, you must have been a great farmer!!