
How do you find things in your stash?


Well-Known Member
I need help... I usually don't mix kits much...nor do I have specific things in mind that I want to use...but a couple of weeks ago I desperately wanted to find the face of a clock and I couldn't. I found one by accident this weekend so I will go back to that layout and finish it. But how do you tag things in your stash to use?
In a separate folder for each designer, I put the preview for each kit with the corresponding date of the kit folder.
It still means looking through each designer's file but I usually know who did something I am looking for and it is faster than searching each separate kit for each designer.
I do a search (in Documents where I keep my digi files) and all the results for whatever you put in the search bar come up. Since I organize my files by STORE - Designer-I can easily see who's design it is when all the results come up in the search.
Me too. The biggest problem is when designers only label their ellies as el1, el2, etc. I don't find a lot of things that way. I have thought about setting up the same system @Kythe uses but haven't actually done it. And tagging at this point is out of the question, lol.
I do a search (in Documents
wow, if in windows, that would be heck of a long path name to store C: users name documents --- then the folder (etc) .. kit name .. element name

Worse if it public document

like who am i to comment, i have NO order, what so ever, and each day i add to my chaos
My new computer has Windows11 (stay away from Windows 11 as long as you can). The individual files have no file previews whatsoever, so I can't just scroll through the product folders to find what I need. I do basically the same as Kythe - In a separate folder for each designer, I put the preview for each kit as I download them from the store. I name that folder like this: 01_AnnaAspnes, so in Anna's main file the preview folder is the first folder I see. When I add a preview to that folder I rename the preview to only the kit or product name, and I name the main kit folder exactly the same as the preview. I just scroll through the previews, find what I want, and look up the corresponding name in the main folders and I have what I need.

My new computer has Windows11 (stay away from Windows 11 as long as you can). The individual files have no file previews whatsoever, so I can't just scroll through the product folders to find what I need. I do basically the same as Kythe - In a separate folder for each designer, I put the preview for each kit as I download them from the store. I name that folder like this: 01_AnnaAspnes, so in Anna's main file the preview folder is the first folder I see. When I add a preview to that folder I rename the preview to only the kit or product name, and I name the main kit folder exactly the same as the preview. I just scroll through the previews, find what I want, and look up the corresponding name in the main folders and I have what I need.

View attachment 379297
Even easier if you put the date ahead of the kit name. Then you know exactly when you got the kit and they are in chronological order. Newer kits first. I also add a word document to the folder with that same date and the total Oscrap link to the store.
Thanks, @Kythe, but the dates wouldn't work as well for me with my kits. I would rather have mine in categories. For instance, with Anna's, by using the name they are in groups; MultiMedia, ArtsyTransfers, etc. I can see all the MM at a glance in the main folder. However, in my personal photos, organizing by date works best. :)
As Susie, I use Bridge to search in my stash ... Since I am a Mac user my folders have been modified with the preview ...

I initially bought solely from a digital Scrabook site where all the Designers tagged each item. It was wonderful as on my Mac's "Finder" I could search for color, item, etc. and find whatever I needed.
The current trend of labeling papers "Paper 1, Paper 2" etc and same for embellishments is frustrating and I hate having to take the time to label myself after having paid for a collection. Note to Designers: please think of labeling items when creating? That would be awesome and I'd be better able to use your products! :)
Thank you!
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This is a great thread. It got me thinking about previews. I use ACDSEE and not all folders show the preview. So I started copying the kit preview and putting the jpeg in the kit folder so it shows as the first item in the folder and now shows up in the ACDSEE viewer. I don't know why I didn't think of doing this before.

Thx for the idea.
Bridge and my memory..not always a good combination but I started to sort on shop and designers
In the end one has to use the format that best suits their needs and equipment they have. Some good ideas shared here.
tagging would take forever at this point - unfortunately too many designers dont labels elements , jsut element 1 -2 ,etc. for them most part it is not a problem as i am a one kit scrapper. but occasionally i have had problem finding an item i know i had.

if for example i need it here, i would just search say for clock in my oscrap directory and see what come up.

acdsee is very popular for tagging but unless it has changed you must use if for your file manager otherwise you lose all your tags.
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