
So we are nearly halfway

Heather Prins

aA Creative Team Member
Through the year with PL, how is everyone doing? Any revelations? Things you would do differently?
I am still loving it. Especially when I go back and review the pages I've made. I am so glad I am doing it.
I still want to add more journaling, personal thoughts, me stuff
I am going to keep the background neutral rather than a solid color next year
Still trying to decide if I want a weekly journal card to summarize or not
In my first year, I made it through August with gusto, but by August I was sometimes running out of fresh stuff. I don't have kids or pets around so it's me, hubby, environment, occasionally my daughter when I see her.

This year I feel this is setting in even earlier, although it was helped by several trips.

So the challenge is how to capture the 'home' part in an interesting way. another sunset, another view of the golf course, more of my garden, etc.
But then again, that's my life :-)

I wan to try to capture more about how I am feeling about the things that are happening. My formats aren't quite allowing for that, mostly because I want my pictures as big as possible.
So maybe I will consider a double-page per week next time.

Speaking of which, need to do week 20 I think, and set up 21!
I don't want to think about the halfway point yet! Time is going so fast anyway.

I know what Diane means about big pictures and a bit of running out of steam. Still, having a routine helps. Just do it! That is, get a photo of SOMEthing every day. Try to have it meaningful, but whatever. When I did 2008 I did a layout for every day. After that, anything should be possible. I did find when I was doing monthly spreads that when I lost my support system, I really DID run out of steam. We really help each other with support and seeing other people's pages.

Thanks for providing that needed nudge to keep going!
Well I'm super late to join this thread because I didn't notice it before, lol! I have had a lot of emotional things going on this month but am trying to continue on with my project so I don't fall any further behind. I think I might actually be a week closer to catching up than I was before so at least there is that. ;) I think it has been really good that I'm doing this year because it is giving me a lot of satisfaction and although some days I don't want to work on it, I am feeling really good about what I've done as I look back on it!

My biggest struggle with the project has been choosing which picture to use for each day. It's almost always difficult. Although some days I choose whichever picture I think is most pleasing, I've mostly been trying to use pictures that do the best job of telling the story of what is going on. It'll be either whatever stands out most in my mind (such as daughter's first swim team practice), or whichever picture shows some small detail of my life that would otherwise never make it into an album (such as my son leaving a mountain of barely used tissues on the desk). I think if I picked my absolute favorite picture each day they would all be pictures of the baby smiling, lol! But I want the album to be more dynamic than that.

What I think I would change...well, at the beginning of the year I was hoping that I could do a second page to face each week that had just extra pictures I like on it, but since I've been struggling to keep up with even the one page a week I have not implemented that yet. I did do the first week and liked it so if I have time I'll go back and put those together at some point. I am seriously doubting I'll have time, but I can dream, lol!

I'm so glad you ladies are sharing what you are doing because it is very inspiring to me. Keep up the good work!