
The funniest quote about aging I've seen...


The Loopy-O
...in a long time!

"Once we hit forty, women only have about four taste buds left: one for vodka, one for wine, one for cheese, and one for chocolate." ~ Gina Barreca

We have been talking about aging in the Daily Ooos- or really about refusing to "age." That must have been in the back of my mind as I was looking for quotes on Mother's Day cards I am making.
I am LMBO off at this one!! If any designers want to to use it in a kit, I promise to promote it alllll over the place


Well-Known Member
Great quote, but truly, I love to age. I'm 56 now and enjoying every minute. I have never had so much freedom in my life, I do what want and when I want. The kids are grown, they don't need daily care anymore. I have a job, so financial I'm good.
Only thing is I have to many things I love to do, and there simply isn't enough time in a day :)