
Do you have houseplants?


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I had lots of houseplants a few years ago, but had given them up because we lived in Florida for so long. I had plants on my lanai, which was an extension of the house and I enjoyed tending to them and seeing them from inside the house. I haven't had any "inside plants" since we left Florida, but when my husband passed away recently, I was gifted with several of them. I have really enjoyed having inside plants again and I have to admit they add some "new life" to my home. I know some people might think they're just something else to take care of, but I'd forgotten how much happiness they bring me.

How about you?


Well-Known Member
I have one houseplant that stays all the time. HOWEVER I am not allowed to touch it. I have a black thumb and plants dont live long. My #3 child has been planting his apple seeds (from he apples he's eating) and we have about 6 little shoots started. They probably wont survive. Too much sun and not enough warm. I love plants but they see me and shrivel up. So far, hubs and #4 have kept the snake plant alive for two years. They also grow a garden for me.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I have one houseplant that stays all the time. HOWEVER I am not allowed to touch it. I have a black thumb and plants dont live long. My #3 child has been planting his apple seeds (from he apples he's eating) and we have about 6 little shoots started. They probably wont survive. Too much sun and not enough warm. I love plants but they see me and shrivel up. So far, hubs and #4 have kept the snake plant alive for two years. They also grow a garden for me.
Oh, that's funny - they see you coming. :floorlaugh: Good luck with the baby appleseed shoots. How fun. Just don't go near them. :floorlaugh:


The Loopy-O
I have houseplants and I "inherited" many of Scott's cacti when he moved out. I am not good with houseplants even though my garden areas outside do quite well. My excuse for the indoor ones is that I don't get enough sunlight, no south-facing windows at all. That's my excuse and I am sticking to it! Has nothing to do with how I water them. :whistle:
I've gotten better since I use a moisture tester but other than some ivy and pothos, and the cacti of course- I leave them alone LOL- I prefer my outdoor gardens.

@AK_Tracy If your DS likes to grow things-- he can plant garlic cloves and avocado pits. The cloves should grow new bulbs and while the avocado won't produce fruit, they can get to be a decent size indoors. I had one avocado plant in my classroom that was so big we had to move it outside. Then I went on vacation for a week and no one thought to water it while I was away Whoops! (I suspect that they let it die on purpose. It was huge!)


Well-Known Member
I have houseplants and I "inherited" many of Scott's cacti when he moved out. I am not good with houseplants even though my garden areas outside do quite well. My excuse for the indoor ones is that I don't get enough sunlight, no south-facing windows at all. That's my excuse and I am sticking to it! Has nothing to do with how I water them. :whistle:
I've gotten better since I use a moisture tester but other than some ivy and pothos, and the cacti of course- I leave them alone LOL- I prefer my outdoor gardens.

@AK_Tracy If your DS likes to grow things-- he can plant garlic cloves and avocado pits. The cloves should grow new bulbs and while the avocado won't produce fruit, they can get to be a decent size indoors. I had one avocado plant in my classroom that was so big we had to move it outside. Then I went on vacation for a week and no one thought to water it while I was away Whoops! (I suspect that they let it die on purpose. It was huge!)
I will let him know! He might like the garlic since he's finally decided its good :giggle4: The avocado sounds interesting Might be worth buying one just for the seed. We dont eat them.

I love that youre keeping the indoor plants alive. When I got married, someone gave us a cactus. That's when hubs knew I was a black thumb. They say its hard to kill cactus. I did it. Took less then two months. :floorlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Well I’m in the car with my daughter and only have a minute but @AK_Tracy think of it as training your plants to be a cactus!
When I get home I’ll take a picture of our avocado tree. Erinn started it as a pit years ago back in California. It got left behind when we moved because we couldn’t put any plants in the moving truck and the car was full. And at that point it was only about a foot tall. A few months after we moved Mark went back and picked up Belle and drove cross country with her. A couple friends gave back some of our plants as there was room in the car that time. We’ve been here three years now and the avocado is very happy at 6 feet tall anyway!! All from a pit from a grocery store avocado!
So yes Cheryl I have indoor plants - LOVE my plants. Right now there are probably 30+ plants. And, upstairs there’s a pothos and a monstera that have attached to the wall! :jawdrop3: I’m leaving it- they’re happy and that makes me happy.

Got to go be present with my daughter but will catch up soon!


Well-Known Member
I have 10 orchid plants, a Christmas cactus that blooms whenever it feels like it, 2 plants I was gifted from my dad's funeral, a cactus my son gave when he was about 8, he's almost 43 & what I call my Lorax tree. My plants make me happy & it drives me crazy that some people use orchids as throw-away plants, they will bloom again if you are patient.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I have houseplants and I "inherited" many of Scott's cacti when he moved out. I am not good with houseplants even though my garden areas outside do quite well. My excuse for the indoor ones is that I don't get enough sunlight, no south-facing windows at all. That's my excuse and I am sticking to it! Has nothing to do with how I water them. :whistle:
I've gotten better since I use a moisture tester but other than some ivy and pothos, and the cacti of course- I leave them alone LOL- I prefer my outdoor gardens.

@AK_Tracy If your DS likes to grow things-- he can plant garlic cloves and avocado pits. The cloves should grow new bulbs and while the avocado won't produce fruit, they can get to be a decent size indoors. I had one avocado plant in my classroom that was so big we had to move it outside. Then I went on vacation for a week and no one thought to water it while I was away Whoops! (I suspect that they let it die on purpose. It was huge!)
This is what Ava says about me. She says all I have to do is stick a root in some dirt and it grows. She can't even keep cacti alive. :floorlaugh:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I will let him know! He might like the garlic since he's finally decided its good :giggle4: The avocado sounds interesting Might be worth buying one just for the seed. We dont eat them.

I love that youre keeping the indoor plants alive. When I got married, someone gave us a cactus. That's when hubs knew I was a black thumb. They say its hard to kill cactus. I did it. Took less then two months. :floorlaugh:
Cacti are hard to kill.....................that's all I'm gonna say. :floorlaugh:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Well I’m in the car with my daughter and only have a minute but @AK_Tracy think of it as training your plants to be a cactus!
When I get home I’ll take a picture of our avocado tree. Erinn started it as a pit years ago back in California. It got left behind when we moved because we couldn’t put any plants in the moving truck and the car was full. And at that point it was only about a foot tall. A few months after we moved Mark went back and picked up Belle and drove cross country with her. A couple friends gave back some of our plants as there was room in the car that time. We’ve been here three years now and the avocado is very happy at 6 feet tall anyway!! All from a pit from a grocery store avocado!
So yes Cheryl I have indoor plants - LOVE my plants. Right now there are probably 30+ plants. And, upstairs there’s a pothos and a monstera that have attached to the wall! :jawdrop3: I’m leaving it- they’re happy and that makes me happy.

Got to go be present with my daughter but will catch up soon!
I used to have over 30 houseplants, Amy! Then I went down to zero, in Florida, now I have 6. My house is small, but I love them and they're good for your indoor environment. Hope you're having a wonderful visit with your daughter.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I have 10 orchid plants, a Christmas cactus that blooms whenever it feels like it, 2 plants I was gifted from my dad's funeral, a cactus my son gave when he was about 8, he's almost 43 & what I call my Lorax tree. My plants make me happy & it drives me crazy that some people use orchids as throw-away plants, they will bloom again if you are patient.
I'm SO impressed that you have 10 orchids indoors, Jeanne! I had them on my lanai in Florida, but they're so finicky indoors so that's quite impressive. And a Christmas cactus??? They're awesome, but they never bloom at Christmas, at least ours never did. What blows me away is that you have a cactus that's that old - WOW!! I want to see a picture of that beauty!! I agree about the orchids - be patient with them.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Well, to tell you the true I tried to have plants in the house but the cats ... nothing survive, so I gave up a long time ago.
I have one cat and he's quite curious - so far he hasn't made any moves on my plants. Now, sacks, bags, boxes, forget it. I wished I'd have taken a video of him tonight getting into all the bags that I brought home from a shopping trip today. I get it, believe me. They're into everything. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:


Well-Known Member
I love houseplants. I have over 50 at the moment, but I still have room for more. I swap and share with some friends and collegueas. This way we can all grow new plants without having to buy new plants all of the time.


Well-Known Member
OMG you are all so funny...Since moving to Florida and traveling I only have one. I have to move it from the Florida room to inside with A/C when we leave. I grow orchids, pineapple, several fruits, many herbs, onions, tomatos , etc outdoors all year. My avacodo is about 6 feet but won't have fruit for anther few years if there is a partner plant close....not sure there is one. We leave tomorrow for 4 months so my lonely Zee-plant will be inside all alone.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I love houseplants. I have over 50 at the moment, but I still have room for more. I swap and share with some friends and collegueas. This way we can all grow new plants without having to buy new plants all of the time.
That's so cool that you swap with friends. I've never thought about it. I've had people give me their dying plants, though.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
OMG you are all so funny...Since moving to Florida and traveling I only have one. I have to move it from the Florida room to inside with A/C when we leave. I grow orchids, pineapple, several fruits, many herbs, onions, tomatos , etc outdoors all year. My avacodo is about 6 feet but won't have fruit for anther few years if there is a partner plant close....not sure there is one. We leave tomorrow for 4 months so my lonely Zee-plant will be inside all alone.
Oh my goodness, you have lots of plants going - including the avocado tree. You'll love it when it does start to bear fruit. Maybe it does need a mate? I've found out that my hydrangeas don't grow well if I plant them alone. They need mates. Have a wonderful trip!!