
Daily Ooos: Monday, May 6


The Loopy-O
And we are back to Monday! How was your weekend? Did you get everything done that needed to be? I wish I could say that I did but that would be a lie *winks* I got quite a bit accomplished but not as much as I hoped.

Eh, what can you do? I worked on the ATC cards for a few hours until my head was about to explode. I can only stare at the computer for so long before I lose it. I took a break from that, did some housework, and then went back to the computer to look for a dress for Cait's shower. Why oh why is everything either "clubby" or a maxi dress? my 4'11" 55-year-old body is not built for either style. Cailtyn's dress is black lace (shocking, right :giggle4: ), and wants us to not let her look overdressed so I am shooting for something that I can run around in but at the same time look elegant.

Scott stopped on on his break and had us rolling with "Ice Cream Wars 2024." He has to monitor the space/permits for ice cream trucks at one of the down-county parks in an urban center. Last summer, he came home with stories about fights and false advertising and sheriff dept involvement. Iy yi yi-- it's already starting! He is trying a new perspective this year: Instead of making himself crazy over it, he's just going to laugh. Great idea because there is a new ice cream truck in town and one of the old-timers is not happy.

I'm off to work this morning for the 2-4-year-old field trip. There will be 33+ elementary-age kids and 21 preschoolers. Lauren and I are with the little ones and we have no idea how it's going to work. But it should be fun, worst case scenario- we let them run in the field for three hours. hahahah!

Time for me to post this and I'll try to do quick personals.


The Loopy-O
@JeanneMN Is a guy thing with recipes? My DH is the same way... if it calls for 1 can of crushed tomatoes he'll go to the store rather than use the can of whole tomatoes and crush them himself. An old friend's DH was the same way and would use a scale to measure and weigh.
The smoker is a fantastic gift, one you get to enjoy too-- a win-win!

@MariJ so happy that you and many of the SGs are here now!

@vickyday Glad that your stomach is better and you and Ilene had fun with Quirkle!

@BrightEyes Selling the stamps sounds like a big endeavor -- pace yourself (and whattaya doin' crawling on the floor????)
Bittersweet to sell your Red Hats

@bcgal00 Did you get the brownie recipe to come out right? That's so frustrating that you can't find the one you know works.
Have you been able to get any pics of the birds in your yard? Hope the landscaping goes well.
Woooot!! That's awesome that your eyes are doing better!!!

@mimes1 I hear ya, hard to sleep until you know your "babies" are home safe and sound.

@bitzee Welcome to the ooos!!!

@Cherylndesigns I can't wait to see the pics of the ferns. The one I have in the small garden pond is unfurling. It's gotten so big that it ends up covering most of the pond (4'x3' maybe? its small). I bet yours are going to be very happy when you talk to them.
Old hippies!! Yup, that's us! Drat- we don't; have the hippe emoji anymore. This works: :flower:



Love my O Family!
And we are back to Monday! How was your weekend? Did you get everything done that needed to be? I wish I could say that I did but that would be a lie *winks* I got quite a bit accomplished but not as much as I hoped.

Eh, what can you do? I worked on the ATC cards for a few hours until my head was about to explode. I can only stare at the computer for so long before I lose it. I took a break from that, did some housework, and then went back to the computer to look for a dress for Cait's shower. Why oh why is everything either "clubby" or a maxi dress? my 4'11" 55-year-old body is not built for either style. Cailtyn's dress is black lace (shocking, right :giggle4: ), and wants us to not let her look overdressed so I am shooting for something that I can run around in but at the same time look elegant.

Scott stopped on on his break and had us rolling with "Ice Cream Wars 2024." He has to monitor the space/permits for ice cream trucks at one of the down-county parks in an urban center. Last summer, he came home with stories about fights and false advertising and sheriff dept involvement. Iy yi yi-- it's already starting! He is trying a new perspective this year: Instead of making himself crazy over it, he's just going to laugh. Great idea because there is a new ice cream truck in town and one of the old-timers is not happy.

I'm off to work this morning for the 2-4-year-old field trip. There will be 33+ elementary-age kids and 21 preschoolers. Lauren and I are with the little ones and we have no idea how it's going to work. But it should be fun, worst case scenario- we let them run in the field for three hours. hahahah!

Time for me to post this and I'll try to do quick personals.
That's a LOT of littles to watch for 3 hours! I like the plan of just letting them have the run of the field but if they all go in different directions the two of you are gonna be in trouble! ;)


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Looks to be another rainy day here. Not good for our already wet basement! I was going to tackle laundry today but the drains are sluggish, so unless Mark is desperate for clothes I'm going to put it off a couple of days.
This weekend is going to be a girls weekend for me. My SIL from my first marriage is coming in with her friend who recently lost her husband. My oldest daughter is coming with her daughter and my daughter and her 2 girls who live nearest to me. All of us are going to a Mother Daughter banquet on Saturday at the church here my youngest daughter attends. It should be a good time!
My SIL from my first marriage is someone I consider to be my forever SIL. I've known her since she was 10 when they moved from NJ to live up the street from us in KY. That's how I met her oldest brother. In no time we were an item! He was my first love and my soul mate. I love Mark but it is not the same love as the love I had for Tim. Does that make sense? Has anyone else had that same experience?
Anyway, Since I won't be doing laundry today I will be doing some more challenges, I think. I need to start thinking about my challenge for June, too. And my stomach is growling so I need to get something to eat!
Hope everyone has a great day!


Well-Known Member
OMG, the ribs were phenomenal, 7.5 hours, fall-off-the-bone goodness. I tried a different rub, hubs thought it was a little sweet, but still good. That is him being diplomatic I think, as good as they were I don't think I would use that one on ribs again. Well, spring is officially here. Hubs put the pond pump in yesterday so the waterfall is going again and he pulled the lilies up so I could stick my finger through a couple of inches of pond poo and give them their vitamin tablets. Then I gave the honeysuckle vine on the pergola a big-time haircut. When we built the pergola when we put the pond in, we put honeysuckle vines all around it. They died out so we replaced them with wisteria. The wisteria got going on side and back and lo and behold one of the honeysuckles resurrected itself. It was growing on the side where it could tangle itself in the blue spruce, block the light for the flag, and climb the weather gizmo. It also started choking the wisteria out since it came out of dormancy sooner than wisteria. Anywho, I gave it a buzz cut. It makes a mess in the pergola and I know the hummingbirds like it, but there are flowers and plants all over the landscaping and two feeders for them so I don't feel I'm hurting their eco-system in the yard too much. Yesterday I started a batch of hummingbird food with the last of the sugar that we had. We have a 'super low' simmer setting on the stove so I set it and sort of forget it. Can you tell where this is going? It was done yesterday afternoon and I turned off the burner, or thought I did, and when I got up this morning, a soft blue glow was emanating from beneath the burner & it wasn't Glinda about to come into the room. The hummingbird food was a not-so-lovely shade of brown. Needless to say, sugar is on the shopping list. The frogs and toads started rehearsing last night, so the cycle begins. Enough of my babbling rambling for now, baseball and a concert tonight, a busy week ahead, and the pollen is everywhere. Inhaler anyone??


Well-Known Member
Good morning, or afternoon wherever you might be. My friend from Australia and I used to greet each other with "Good Mornevening, it worked at both ends.
I'm a SG newbie and still trying to find my way around here. I noticed above that Chris @faerywings mentioned ATC's. I took a quick look now but couldn't find anything and I'm on my way out. Is there an ATC challenge at Oscraps?

Thanks and wishing you all a sunny day, even if it's dreary rainy like here.. :cool:


Morning, gals. I am definitely moving slow this AM. I took a PJ day yesterday and worked on counting stamp sets, taking photos, then trying to figure out what price I should put on the collection. I have 450 Stampin' Up! wood stamp sets (1- 30 stamps in each boxed set)!! I knew I had a lot... just didn't realize exactly how many sets I had. No way do I want to try to sell and ship each set separately. Did a bit of research on the local internet sales place so have an idea on pricing, photos, etc. And I keep finding more specialty inkpads and refills tucked away in the storage drawers!!! :eek: Going to take a much needed break from all this and maybe do some challenge scrapping this week.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning Ozies!! It is a lovely sunny morning here! Sounds like we will hit summer temps by the end of this week Woo Hoo!! My hike this Wednesday is close by and a beautiful one through the forest and then along the ocean front during low tide, so I am really looking forward to that!! Today will be spent doing some much needed vacuuming and washing of the floors as I did not get to them yesterday. Ok something weird is going on here as I can't access the smiley's darn it! I need to look at my settings and then will come back and finish this post.


Love my O Family!
OMG, the ribs were phenomenal, 7.5 hours, fall-off-the-bone goodness. I tried a different rub, hubs thought it was a little sweet, but still good. That is him being diplomatic I think, as good as they were I don't think I would use that one on ribs again. Well, spring is officially here. Hubs put the pond pump in yesterday so the waterfall is going again and he pulled the lilies up so I could stick my finger through a couple of inches of pond poo and give them their vitamin tablets. Then I gave the honeysuckle vine on the pergola a big-time haircut. When we built the pergola when we put the pond in, we put honeysuckle vines all around it. They died out so we replaced them with wisteria. The wisteria got going on side and back and lo and behold one of the honeysuckles resurrected itself. It was growing on the side where it could tangle itself in the blue spruce, block the light for the flag, and climb the weather gizmo. It also started choking the wisteria out since it came out of dormancy sooner than wisteria. Anywho, I gave it a buzz cut. It makes a mess in the pergola and I know the hummingbirds like it, but there are flowers and plants all over the landscaping and two feeders for them so I don't feel I'm hurting their eco-system in the yard too much. Yesterday I started a batch of hummingbird food with the last of the sugar that we had. We have a 'super low' simmer setting on the stove so I set it and sort of forget it. Can you tell where this is going? It was done yesterday afternoon and I turned off the burner, or thought I did, and when I got up this morning, a soft blue glow was emanating from beneath the burner & it wasn't Glinda about to come into the room. The hummingbird food was a not-so-lovely shade of brown. Needless to say, sugar is on the shopping list. The frogs and toads started rehearsing last night, so the cycle begins. Enough of my babbling rambling for now, baseball and a concert tonight, a busy week ahead, and the pollen is everywhere. Inhaler anyone??
So I'm not the only one who forgets things that are simmering! ;)


Love my O Family!
Good morning, or afternoon wherever you might be. My friend from Australia and I used to greet each other with "Good Mornevening, it worked at both ends.
I'm a SG newbie and still trying to find my way around here. I noticed above that Chris @faerywings mentioned ATC's. I took a quick look now but couldn't find anything and I'm on my way out. Is there an ATC challenge at Oscraps?

Thanks and wishing you all a sunny day, even if it's dreary rainy like here.. :cool:
Not sure if there's any ATC threads but I am doing a biblical one each day and I think @Madi is doing a 100 days challenge.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Ok it looks like I need to update my google chrome but it won't let me as my old iMac is not capable of another operating system update. :stupicpc:. Grrrr now I have to use Safari as my browser, I don't like Safari, but oh well. Anyway yesterday was a gardening and bottling of wine day, it was good to be outside and get the Pampus Grass cut back and do some weeding. All the Rhodos and Azaleas are blooming here and they look so pretty!! I am expecting a face time call from Heather soon so I will get to personals...

@faerywings - Sounds like you will have your hands full with all of those little ones today! I bet you have a great time with them!! Hopefully they aren't all running around in different directions, or you will be pooped when you get home! :thud:.

@JeanneMN - Your ribs sound amazing!! I just love ribs!! Fun to try new recipes, but sometimes its best to stick to the tried and true ones! Why do you simmer your hummingbird food on the stove?? I simple boil the kettle with 4 cups and water and pour it into a large container add 1 cup of sugar and stir it. Bob's your Uncle. Sorry that it burned and hope it didn't ruin the pot that you had on the stove!

@vickyday - sorry you are having another rainy day! Your Mother/Daughter luncheon sounds like it will a love time spent together! My SIL Linda feels the same about her hubby that passed 13 years ago. She will never love another the way she loved him. Isn't it funny that she is now seeing a man named Mark :giggle4:.

@BrightEyes - I wish I lived closer to you I would take some of those stamps off your hands! It must be overwhelming trying to get it all together and figure out how to price them and sell them, but I bet they will all sell quickly!

Ok I need to get moving and get on with the day, not sure if my day will involve any scrapping or not but I would like to try to do one of the challenges if time permits. I hope you all have a wonderful day :bye2:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning,

Not sure if there's any ATC threads but I am doing a biblical one each day and I think @Madi is doing a 100 days challenge.
I'm also doing ATC's for the 100 Day Project. https://oscraps.com/community/forums/100-days-craft-art-hobby-challenge-2024.666/
Then you can see all of us who are participating in this challenge. Not everybody is doing ATC's.

There aren't any dedicated monthly ATC Challenges, but there is one occasionally and you're always free to do one for the challenges, as long as it's in the guidelines for that challenge. There are several ladies who do ATC's quite frequently for challenges.

Hope that helps, Marilyn. @MariJ


Well-Known Member
Ok it looks like I need to update my google chrome but it won't let me as my old iMac is not capable of another operating system update. :stupicpc:. Grrrr now I have to use Safari as my browser, I don't like Safari, but oh well. Anyway yesterday was a gardening and bottling of wine day, it was good to be outside and get the Pampus Grass cut back and do some weeding. All the Rhodos and Azaleas are blooming here and they look so pretty!! I am expecting a face time call from Heather soon so I will get to personals..

@JeanneMN - Your ribs sound amazing!! I just love ribs!! Fun to try new recipes, but sometimes its best to stick to the tried and true ones! Why do you simmer your hummingbird food on the stove?? I simple boil the kettle with 4 cups and water and pour it into a large container add 1 cup of sugar and stir it. Bob's your Uncle. Sorry that it burned and hope it didn't ruin the pot that you had on the stove!

Ok I need to get moving and get on with the day, not sure if my day will involve any scrapping or not but I would like to try to do one of the challenges if time permits. I hope you all have a wonderful day :bye2:

I love azaleas, tried growing them here, the ones developed by the University of Minnesota, so they should have been able to grow in SE Minnesota, but I struck out with all of them, go figure. Hydrangeas are my go-to now. I've lost track of how many varieties I have. I have no idea why I cook hummingbird food, I figured it was to dissolve the sugar. The kettle was fine. We made wine for years but then decided it was easier to buy it. We have two favorites that we are wine club members of . Love to explore new ones. We've got a great craft brewery in our town to.We have two favorites that we are wine club members of . Love to explore new ones. We've got a great craft brewery in our town to.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning. It's a beautiful day today after a rainy weekend. 71 degrees, but darn it, it's still dipping down below 65 at night. I'm getting SO anxious to have my bench and totem put together and out in the front garden. @faerywings @BrightEyes @vickyday and @taxed4ever @pachimac (hope I didn't forget anybody) - I can hardly wait and I've been visualizing them every time I walk out my front door.

For the new girls, when my husband passed away at the end of January, my wonderful O family send me the most fabulous gifts - a concfete memory bench and a memory totem to put out in my front garden in memory of Chuck and how much we love(d) our garden and view of the mountains. It has to be put together with Gorilla Glue and it has to be 65 degrees for three consecutive NIGHTS before the glue will hold. This week, it's still dipping down into the mid 50's but it surely can't be too much longer now. I have a spot cleared for both of them and I'm getting so anxious to get them out there. So is everybody else. I can't wait to post pictures of both of them in my beautiful front garden.

I'll try to stop back in for personals a little later.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I love azaleas, tried growing them here, the ones developed by the University of Minnesota, so they should have been able to grow in SE Minnesota, but I struck out with all of them, go figure. Hydrangeas are my go-to now. I've lost track of how many varieties I have. I have no idea why I cook hummingbird food, I figured it was to dissolve the sugar. The kettle was fine. We made wine for years but then decided it was easier to buy it. We have two favorites that we are wine club members of . Love to explore new ones. We've got a great craft brewery in our town to.We have two favorites that we are wine club members of . Love to explore new ones. We've got a great craft brewery in our town to.
I've been thinking about trying to find a wine club. Are the ones you've used local? We do have two small wineries about an hour for us and I need to check to see if they do that.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Morning, gals. I am definitely moving slow this AM. I took a PJ day yesterday and worked on counting stamp sets, taking photos, then trying to figure out what price I should put on the collection. I have 450 Stampin' Up! wood stamp sets (1- 30 stamps in each boxed set)!! I knew I had a lot... just didn't realize exactly how many sets I had. No way do I want to try to sell and ship each set separately. Did a bit of research on the local internet sales place so have an idea on pricing, photos, etc. And I keep finding more specialty inkpads and refills tucked away in the storage drawers!!! :eek: Going to take a much needed break from all this and maybe do some challenge scrapping this week.
That's a lot of stamps, Kay. I never mastered stamping, but did a little better when the acrylic blocks came along. At least I could see what I was stamping. Haha I admire stamping so much, but was just never very good at it.


Well-Known Member
Good morning. It's a beautiful day today after a rainy weekend. 71 degrees, but darn it, it's still dipping down below 65 at night. I'm getting SO anxious to have my bench and totem put together and out in the front garden. @faerywings @BrightEyes @vickyday and @taxed4ever @pachimac (hope I didn't forget anybody) - I can hardly wait and I've been visualizing them every time I walk out my front door.

For the new girls, when my husband passed away at the end of January, my wonderful O family send me the most fabulous gifts - a concfete memory bench and a memory totem to put out in my front garden in memory of Chuck and how much we love(d) our garden and view of the mountains. It has to be put together with Gorilla Glue and it has to be 65 degrees for three consecutive NIGHTS before the glue will hold. This week, it's still dipping down into the mid 50's but it surely can't be too much longer now. I have a spot cleared for both of them and I'm getting so anxious to get them out there. So is everybody else. I can't wait to post pictures of both of them in my beautiful front garden.

I'll try to stop back in for personals a little later.
That sounds so beautiful Cheryl! And what a testimony to the kindness and supportive and caring community here at Oscraps. :heartpumpred:
Can't wait to see the layouts of your beautiful garden you shared with Chuck.


Well-Known Member
@JeanneMN - Your ribs sound amazing!! I just love ribs!! Fun to try new recipes, but sometimes its best to stick to the tried and true ones! Why do you simmer your hummingbird food on the stove?? I simple boil the kettle with 4 cups and water and pour it into a large container add 1 cup of sugar and stir it. Bob's your Uncle. Sorry that it burned and hope it didn't ruin the pot that you had on the stove!
Simmering the hummingbird food is new to me too! I don't even boil mine. Hot tap water enough to dissolve the sugar has always been enough.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
That sounds so beautiful Cheryl! And what a testimony to the kindness and supportive and caring community here at Oscraps. :heartpumpred:
Can't wait to see the layouts of your beautiful garden you shared with Chuck.
The love, care and support that I have received from this O Family has been indescribable, Amy. I was literally at a loss for words the day those packages arrived. They also sent me a beautiful candle holder that has comforting words all over it. When a candle is lit inside, the light shines through the words. Their outpouring of love and thoughtfulness has been beyond words.:heartpumpred::heartpumpred::heartpumpred:


Well-Known Member
Morning, gals. I am definitely moving slow this AM. I took a PJ day yesterday and worked on counting stamp sets, taking photos, then trying to figure out what price I should put on the collection. I have 450 Stampin' Up! wood stamp sets (1- 30 stamps in each boxed set)!! I knew I had a lot... just didn't realize exactly how many sets I had. No way do I want to try to sell and ship each set separately. Did a bit of research on the local internet sales place so have an idea on pricing, photos, etc. And I keep finding more specialty inkpads and refills tucked away in the storage drawers!!! :eek: Going to take a much needed break from all this and maybe do some challenge scrapping this week.
You'll laugh at me - your story motivated me to get my craft/junk/laundry closet cleaned out yesterday! I ran across a handful of old stamps and thought of you. Got it all done, emptied a couple boxes and cleared off some flat space - now I need to order some flat paper trays for all my card stock. 65# cardstock is on sale at Michaels through 5/11 for $3.33/50 sheets. I need to go back and by some more!


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone - well I guess it's afternoon already! Mark went to see his surgeon first thing this morning for a recheck for his shoulder surgery. He's at 100% mobility and just working on strengthening now. We're hoping he'll be back to work when he can lift 10#. Currently he's at 3#. But the good thing is Marks encouraged and he has a new goal so that's all good. Then we went for our walk and had our 3 miles in before lunch! Now we're home for the day, it's raining, and its a good day to scrap and drink coffee. I've been spending so much time getting organized this week that there hasn't been much scrapping. After I write a review for my friends book, the rest of the day will be dedicated getting a couple pages done.


Well-Known Member
Good morning. It's a beautiful day today after a rainy weekend. 71 degrees, but darn it, it's still dipping down below 65 at night. I'm getting SO anxious to have my bench and totem put together and out in the front garden. @faerywings @BrightEyes @vickyday and @taxed4ever @pachimac (hope I didn't forget anybody) - I can hardly wait and I've been visualizing them every time I walk out my front door.

For the new girls, when my husband passed away at the end of January, my wonderful O family send me the most fabulous gifts - a concfete memory bench and a memory totem to put out in my front garden in memory of Chuck and how much we love(d) our garden and view of the mountains. It has to be put together with Gorilla Glue and it has to be 65 degrees for three consecutive NIGHTS before the glue will hold. This week, it's still dipping down into the mid 50's but it surely can't be too much longer now. I have a spot cleared for both of them and I'm getting so anxious to get them out there. So is everybody else. I can't wait to post pictures of both of them in my beautiful front garden.

I'll try to stop back in for personals a little later.
What a wonderful, thoughtful gift from your O family! I can see why you are anxious for the weather to cooperate so you finally put them out in your front garden. So sorry for your loss.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
What a wonderful, thoughtful gift from your O family! I can see why you are anxious for the weather to cooperate so you finally put them out in your front garden. So sorry for your loss.
Thank you SO much and I'm so anxious to be able to sit on my memory bench and stare out at the mountains. This is an extraordinarily wonderful online family. :heartpumpred: :heartpumpred:

Terri M

Well-Known Member
2 days into our 7 days of biking, 37 miles yesterday and 46 today. Actually, I think yesterday was a bit longer because we took a wrong turn and had to backtrack a couple miles. Sunday's weather was gorgeous and today, where we feared being drenched, turned out to be overcast with just a few spritzes of sprinkles, not even enough to make it worth putting on my rain jacket. I am enjoying taking a couple hours this afternoon to sip some coffee and do some reading in front of the fireplace in this cute hotel while I let me bones rest. I'm collecting lots of photos, trying to remember that I want to tell a story. The late spring wildflowers are pretty.


Love my O Family!
Ok it looks like I need to update my google chrome but it won't let me as my old iMac is not capable of another operating system update. :stupicpc:. Grrrr now I have to use Safari as my browser, I don't like Safari, but oh well. Anyway yesterday was a gardening and bottling of wine day, it was good to be outside and get the Pampus Grass cut back and do some weeding. All the Rhodos and Azaleas are blooming here and they look so pretty!! I am expecting a face time call from Heather soon so I will get to personals...

@faerywings - Sounds like you will have your hands full with all of those little ones today! I bet you have a great time with them!! Hopefully they aren't all running around in different directions, or you will be pooped when you get home! :thud:.

@JeanneMN - Your ribs sound amazing!! I just love ribs!! Fun to try new recipes, but sometimes its best to stick to the tried and true ones! Why do you simmer your hummingbird food on the stove?? I simple boil the kettle with 4 cups and water and pour it into a large container add 1 cup of sugar and stir it. Bob's your Uncle. Sorry that it burned and hope it didn't ruin the pot that you had on the stove!

@vickyday - sorry you are having another rainy day! Your Mother/Daughter luncheon sounds like it will a love time spent together! My SIL Linda feels the same about her hubby that passed 13 years ago. She will never love another the way she loved him. Isn't it funny that she is now seeing a man named Mark :giggle4:.

@BrightEyes - I wish I lived closer to you I would take some of those stamps off your hands! It must be overwhelming trying to get it all together and figure out how to price them and sell them, but I bet they will all sell quickly!

Ok I need to get moving and get on with the day, not sure if my day will involve any scrapping or not but I would like to try to do one of the challenges if time permits. I hope you all have a wonderful day :bye2:
HA! That is too funny that your SIL is dating another Mark! @mimes1 's husband's name is Mark, too! We're having a run on Marks here, LOL!


Love my O Family!
That's a lot of stamps, Kay. I never mastered stamping, but did a little better when the acrylic blocks came along. At least I could see what I was stamping. Haha I admire stamping so much, but was just never very good at it.
Same for me, Cheryl! BUT that didn't stop me from buying them, LOL! I have TONS of them, too! Both wood blocks and acrylic.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Same for me, Cheryl! BUT that didn't stop me from buying them, LOL! I have TONS of them, too! Both wood blocks and acrylic.
Oh, I bought them, too, Vicky. I always found myself in the stamping aisles to Michaels. I kept buying them, then screwing up when I tried to eat them. I went through a lot of paper in those days. :floorlaugh:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning everyone - well I guess it's afternoon already! Mark went to see his surgeon first thing this morning for a recheck for his shoulder surgery. He's at 100% mobility and just working on strengthening now. We're hoping he'll be back to work when he can lift 10#. Currently he's at 3#. But the good thing is Marks encouraged and he has a new goal so that's all good. Then we went for our walk and had our 3 miles in before lunch! Now we're home for the day, it's raining, and its a good day to scrap and drink coffee. I've been spending so much time getting organized this week that there hasn't been much scrapping. After I write a review for my friends book, the rest of the day will be dedicated getting a couple pages done.
Good news about Mark's shoulder and your getting your walk in.