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The Turning Leaf Apothecary (With Everything in it!) by Lorie Davison

The Turning Leaf Apothecary (With Everything in it!) by Lorie Davison

Our price (16.88) $18.75

SKU LD-42204

Date Released: 02-21-2013

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The Turning Leaf Apothecary by Lorie Davison

Your muse has been napping all week. She’s so hard to wake up and you need her now. Hopefully you still have a drop or two of red dragon tincture hidden away.

To see spring fairies Grandmother taught us we needed poppy-seed cakes baked with three powdered stems of fairy ring mushroomflowers. She suggested sipping Darjeeling tea with the cakes to also see pixies. (Grandmother was superstitious and believed in pixies.) Robin Everperch uses Aviscarmen drops in her ears and Dr. Loudenclear's Lingular Tongue Oil in her finches’ birdseed so she can talk with them.

These ingredients are dear but available if you know how to find The Turning Leaf Apothecary. Ask your grandmother where it is. If she has forgotten or left on a journey and taken the directions with her, walk quietly through the nearest woods and listen. Soft sighs and oddly-familiar singing on the wind are signs you are close. Gold leaves on the otherwise naked limbs of winter trees are another sign. At other times you will just have to look for the doorway in the tree.

Depending on the physic you need the payment can be dear. For rare ingredients you must sometimes reveal your secretest of secrets. A personal story with an unexpected twist is commonly accepted for most potions, as are poems written after waking up with a start in the middle of the night. Once you have found the Turning Leaf don’t forget to leave directions for your grandchildren. If you would like to illustrate your own personal route, here would be a very good place to start. 

In The Turning Leaf Apothecary you will find:

5 closeup surface papers (plus 2 more variations)

8 countryside papers (plus 1 variation)

5 texture papers

5 magical forest abode papers (with several variations)

10 magical forest papers (with several variations)

9 interior apothecary papers (plus three variations)

5 fall bush branches (some with spiderwebs)

5 mushrooms

2 nesting branches (with/without nest)

1 extra nesting branch

2 rosehips (plus one with spiderwebs)

1 yellow leaf branch (with/without spiderweb)

1 nesting branch backgrounds

1 Balsam Meadowlight (4 variations)

1 elixir faerie (with/without wings)

1 pair of elixir faerie wings

1 Jozefa Amberleaf

1 Larch Meadowlight (4 variations)

1 pair of wings

1 Mathilde Gwen Turningleaf

5 faerie costume pieces

1 Robin Windingvine

1 Tendril faerie

1 Yann Simon Wittlestick

2 chaffinch birds

1 chasing cluster

1 dragon drops tincture dragon (3 versions)

2 butterflies

1 owl

1 Sir Gilber Goat (lighter/darker versions)

1 Sir Gilbert Goat pulling elixir cart

1 spider 1 Aggie Ann doll

2 barometer pieces

1 basket

1 goat cart

1 pair of keys

1 metal bracket

1 pillow

1 ornate column

2 potion leaves swirl

2 potion mix bubbles

1 rake

1 raven fixture

1 raven scales

1 red leaves gust of wind swirls (3 varations)

1 scattering leaves

1 snail

3 wooden birds

1 banner

1 book podium

2 flower watercolor details

1 frame paper

1 open book (blank)

4 metal details

2 owl figurines

1 poetic buckle piece

1 quill

2 scattered paper piles

1 inside clock faces (2 versions)

1 Turning Leaf Apothecary Sign (7 versions)

1 label 1 open book

3 book piles

2 bottled ingredients

1 dried herb hanger (with/without herbs)

1 cord

3 hanging herb bundles

1 elixir machine (1 variation plus sections)

1 grape leaves

1 grape cluster

5 gathered loose ingredients

6 wordarts

1 bucket

1 celestial compass

1 celestial model

1 elixir pouch

1 elixir mixing bowl (2 versions)

1 elixir brew pot

1 potions podium

1 powerful potions cabinet

1 scale

2 wooden spoons

1 telescope

1 hourglass

1 elixir display ledge

2 elixir funnels 2

elixir tools

1 mushroom ring (plus broken up into front/back versions)

1 magic smoke (2 colors)

1 red beetle

1 bench

1 resting tree

1 tree stump (with/without mushroom ring)

1 wooden bench

1 library stair

1 table

2 chairs

1 stool

4 chests

6 lo overlays

5 clear elixir bottles

1 elixir spoon

1 feel well elixir bottle

1 magic potion flask

1 open potion bottles (with/without magic potion steam)

1 open potion bottle

1 open elixir bottle

1 overturned bottle

1 cluster of small potion bottles

1 cluster wooden potion bottles

1 spider web

1 spider web spirits bottle

1 apothecary cabinet

9 frames

1 elixir bottle alpha

Every bit distilled, tweaked, and plucked gingerly from a boiling pixel cauldron for your artistic pleasure. And don't forget most elements include an extra set of shadowed elements.

About this product

Designed with digital scrapbookers and storytellers in mind.  Create your own invitations or name tags for a garden party, afternoon tea, no-reason celebration, etc.  Perfect for a fantasy photo book, posters, or printable hybrid projects.

  • Colors:   browns, yellows, purples
  • Season: any
  • Theme:  magic places & magic potions
  • All products are created at 300 ppi for quality printing results
  • All products are licensed for Personal Use [PU] and S4H, S4O
  • Elements (if included) are provided in PNG format: various sizes
  • Papers (if included) are provided in JPG format; 12" x 12"

© Lorie Davison Illustration - All Rights Reserved

To see my TOU go here:  https://loriedavison.blogspot.com/p/terms-of-use.html


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