Circle of Life - 12x12 Quick Page Album
by TaylorMade Designs
This 12x12 quick page album is the perfect for any occasion (but just in time for Valentine's Day!). Designed by myself and my creative team member, Therese Rydstrom, it's unique design of circle shaped photos and lots of open space, it allows for endless options and a beautifully compositioned album.
It comes complete with 20 pages, as well as covers and spines designed with "full bleed" printing in mind. (The covers and spines come in both 12x12 and 8x8 so there's no guess work when resizing!)
Kit Includes:
20 12x12 quick pages
1 front cover design (in 12x12 and 8x8)
1 back cover design (in 12x12 and 8x8)
1 spine design (in 12x12 and 8x8)