Transform any element or wordart into a sticker! Choose from the "Plain" sticker action, or the "Textured" one. And, for you depth-lovers out there, I included a "Lifted" action for bending up the corners of your sticker. If you're anything like me, your stickers don't always cooperate!
Drop shadows are left on their own layer for customization. Sticker border thickness and color is customizable too! For the textured version, choose any pattern you have loaded to customize your texture. Adjust the opacity and blending modes.
Included is a video tutorial on how to use the actions!
3 Actions (Plain, Textured, Lifted)
1 Video Tutorial in MV4 format
Tested in PSCC+, PSE11+ (PSE version differs slightly). Mac & PC. Personal use, S4H and Commercial use okay.