
New profile posts

Hi Lorraine, I was just adding my Feb layouts to the new Layout Links thread you posted a little while ago. Since the January challenges are running into this month, Feb, is it necessary to add the challenge layouts I've completed in January to the Feb Layout Links? I have them posted in the January links already. Thanks for your help!! ♥
Hi Betty Jo:
Not sure how I missed this message. I'm supposed to get notices. I just created the thread. did you get your answers?
Betty Jo
Betty Jo
No problem about missing the message. I think I've figured it out. I left the January in the January thread and have been putting Feburary's in the new February thread. It will probably all work out next month without so much confusion. ♥
Hi Angie!! here is my list.
1- Fading Roses by Design By Tina
2- AUTUMN ASHES ADD ON by reginafalango
3- Ticket to Anywhere Kit by Vicki Robinson Designs
4- Layered templates - Vol. 25 by Mediterranka Design

5- Wings Things Page Kit by Vero
6- Mother And Child - Set 3 - 10 PU/CU PNG Stamps and ABR Brush Files by Idgie's Heartsong
7- Grungy Nature (one) by Joyful Heart Designs
8- Splatter Branchlet by Foxeysquirrel
9- Pirate Life by Viva Artistry
10- Friendsgiving Kit by Crafty Button Designs
11- Around the World (wordarts) by Guest :: Simplette Scrap
12- Pepper Bundle by AFT Designs


I do not understand PM. I've read all the FAQs and such. I've tried to send a message from my "User Control Panel" like the instructions said and a message comes up saying
"To be able to send PMs your post count must be 15 or greater.
You currently have 1 posts and you can send PMs to following users only:"

What can I do? kaye2012@ymail.com
Hi Cheryl,
I'm so sorry, I never saw your message until now. But I'm not a big fan of Trump, no. Although I do respect everyone who feels different :)
Thank you!
Hi Jeannette,

Could I ask you a quick question? Your layout of the president - is it pro or con? In these days, it's hard to tell.

It's a wonderful picture of him.

I'm just curious.

Good morning, Pia!
You are welcome! The artistry is stunning! The technique is beautiful and challenging!
Hi Nancy, many thanks for choosing my layout for the AnnaLift Challenge. It was a real surprise :) Greetings from Germany, Pia :)
Congrats, you win my Golden Days All in One collection.
Your coupon code is Natali_Golden
Enjoy it and take care.
Vendula - Natali designs
Hey Barbara Congrats & thank you so much for the artistry and kind words. And for being a wonderful person. (: Just in case you might have a bigger craving for a different kit this coupon is good for any one of them. wywseniorgalany
Hello Linda.
I tried to use my gift box, But impossible: wrong or outdated code.
Sorry to disturb you.
Hi Grace I am assuming your our GG from J.A. Mary aka Poppy.
Hi Mary! Sorry, I'm a year and half late in responding but I just saw this when I checked my profile today.
You asked if all the Lighthouses were in Maine the answer is yes. I could take you north from my house and in one afternoon we could take pictures of 6 lighthouses. And that is only going an hour from my home. Go south and I could show you more. Or take a little longer going North and I could take you to visit several more. So yes when you see lighthouses in my project 99% of them are from Maine.
олеся,поздравляю с днем рождения! желаю крепкого здоровья,творческих успехов! пусть все желания исполняются!
I love your travel pages! How do you turn out so many?! What font did you use for the Alaskan pages?
@LDArtist | Thank you!
Hungarian is my native language. I use an internet translator. I know the translation is not perfect! I'm trying. :)
I wish you a nice day!

Magyar az anyanyelvem. Web translatort használok. Tudom, hogy nem tökéletes a fordítás! De próbálkozom. :)
Szép napot kívánok!
