
Week 8 Project 365/52/Life


Well-Known Member
We're not getting sluggish, are we?? Heck no, it's only February! OK, let's see those pages...

any challenges, new discoveries?

I am really enjoying my idea of using Instagram for my daily photo...be back later (I hope) with my page!
I am finding myself overwhelmed by it all. I need to find some time to edit and sort through photos and once I get enough set aside that are processed and ready to go I can get caught up with a scrap frenzy. :)
Me too, loving it, of course I am in year 3 so have the routine down.

Here's my week 8, back to Maya de Groot's Passion for 365 templates...I really like her frames and little captions.

I hope I don't get behind as catching up could be daunting. I download photos everyday, pick one for the day and copy it into a folder. Saturday I put them all together. I haven't been away or that swamped yet, so don't know how long I'll be that organized. I think this week's looks a little nicer despite a rather boring and gray week.

I have a photo for each day...and notes for most of them. But I need to set aside some time to just scrap them!!!
Welcome Miss Marcy!

Last year I kept notes about my pictures...just a list of calendar dates and what the POTD (photo of the day) was, especially since I was using 3 cameras.

Then about once per week I would upload everything into a monthly folder, then copy the POTD into a P365 folder with subfolders for each month.

This year its a little easier since I am using Instagram, and iPhone keeps a separate photo album for Instagram, so all I have to do is look in this album. I still do the folder/copy stuff, I just no longer need to keep notes.

Some days I do more than 1 Instagram, but still not hard to pick from among the ones taken when it comes time to do my weekly page.

I've managed with this system for going on 3 years, including a month spent in Europe...here notes were really important, as I took a minimum of 100 photos per day, and choosing one was hard, but a fun problem to have :-)
Looks like your adorable pup was quite the star this week Heather :-) Sooo many great photos, funny faces, sweet and cute moments! And ooo I love those dresses too!
Here's my Week 8:

always better late than never Tammy! Love your pages with Maya's templates! I use these every other week or so.

Marijke your photos are always so gorgeous!