
Week 7 Project 365/52/Life


Well-Known Member
Just starting the thread...I have not even taken my last pic yet, and don't know what it will be, but suspect it will involve outdoors, as it is a beautiful day!
Most of my days are pretty uneventful, but I've still gotten something in a photo each day. I've also succumbed to using frames on all of them this week.

Oh I like the framing Jean! It's nice to mix things up a bit from week to week.
I know, sometimes I feel the same way about uneventful, taking photos of my view or the golf course or the same rose bush, but still, it's life! :-)
Here is my week 7:

Love your wintry color Mirjam!

I continue to be bright :-) And this week I installed the Scrap Tracker that Heather recommended. I actually had this about 2 years ago, read it ahd said, "whaaa?". Now with more experience, I was able to install and tun it, and I think it can me very helpful!
Here it is again if anyone is interested:

Diane, I went to the site, but it said the page was not found.....
Beautiful pages for week 7!

Heather, such a nice hint of pink for Valentine's week. Lovely as always.

Diane, I like bright in your pages. Notice there isn't much bright to mine in the winter doldrums.

Guinevere, Your page is so pretty and I agree with Diane that the colors nicely capture a winter feel.
Great color, great moments! Great job keeping up!

Tammy I love that backpackers background!

Lindy love the 'snapshot' feel of your left-side photos!

Nancy look at you and David Clarkson :-)