
Week 6 Project 365/52/Life


Well-Known Member
Starting us off with week 6...I went back to the straight on point templates from Simply Kelly this week...I was spending too much time adjusting angles...ha ha!

But I love Maya's frames and next week want to make a hybrid of both.

This week I started by putting the pictures in exact day order, and found they were perfect that way! I think I subconsciously did what I predicted...took the photos such that they would flow nicely...ha so anal!! (I am kidding of course).

I've arranged mine in my usual seemingly random order. They really start in the upper right and go sort of counter-clockwise. I like having one a bit larger as my feature of the week. And, Diane, I think I am jealous of all your lovely flowers!

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I just love that roof picture Jean! And the bird house, how cute!!

ha ha Heather, you poor thing, you put so much into your project life that it wears you out ;-) I know the feeling! I had to finish up a book on Sunday to redeem a coupon, and it really spent me!

Marijke love your photos! I like how some are distant and some are details, nice variety!
I know you say you just plop the photos in the templates, heather, but this looks like a lot of work! Good work...great work, satisfying work! but wow, admire your dedication to this...of course it will be so worth it to your family in the future!

Love your extra color this week!
I know you say you just plop the photos in the templates, heather, but this looks like a lot of work! Good work...great work, satisfying work! but wow, admire your dedication to this...of course it will be so worth it to your family in the future!

Love your extra color this week!

Oh Diane what i mean by that is i didn't do extra editing, layering, changing of blending modes or messing with the template, just added the photos as is to the template as is. Then the fun started of adding all the stuff on top-the word art and embellies :0 Doing the credits take sweet forever, lol!!
2 weeks isn't so behind! come join us, Dani! :-)

ah, Heather, yes, credits...I once had this script that collected credits, but I didn't know how to make it work. I think such things exist tho.
Here are my pages for week 6:

wow, Mirjam...awesome pages!! How interesting that chinese new year is celebrated in Rotterdam?? Those are some fabulous nighttime pictures!

Just LLOVE the colors!
It was a one-off event. This was an exhibiton of light objects made by Chinese artists.
The Chinese people do celebrate their New Year in several cities here.
lots of hockey! Well, the Devils make for colorful pages :-) Great use of these templates Nancy, I really like them!
Oh Diane, I know she has grown so fast it's amazing!
Lovely layout LindyShay! I like your little "calendar" at the bottom to show the dates. :)