
Week 44 Project 365/52/Life


Well-Known Member
I'm a lot earlier this week, so looks like I can start the week's thread. I started in Oklahoma so the week begins there, includes travel days, and ends at home.

Thanks for starting the thread Jean! I am working on my page now...I always fuss too much, but it's fun :-)

It's starting to look cold where you are! although there is that lovely blue-sky picture!
Fun phone play in your page! Not having a smart phone, I wonder at your comments. Love your including toes as well as fingers. Looks like a nice week.
No smart phone!!?? wow... :-) I know others who also do not...it's funny how some lives have become entwined with technology...I would be literally lost without mine (as in, I use my GPS often!!). And of course I use it to take and process all my P365 photos. Not to mention looking things up, playing games (word games to improve my brain :-)), texting with family, email, oh and, yes, occasionally to make a phone call.

This reminds me there is currently a wonderful exhibit at the deYoung in San Francisco on David Hockney http://hockney.famsf.org/. Among other things he has started making art on the iPhone and iPad, and it's really fun and good! He says someone was teasing him about hearing that he had started making art on his phone. His retort was no, it was more that he occasionally makes a phone call with his sketchpad :-)

And ha! didn't even realize the fingers and the toes were included :-)
My Week 44 :)

Lindy and Heather, you've both got fabulous Halloween pages for week 44. Looks like a really good time was had.