
Want to win a FREE KIT each month for a YEAR?



How would you like to win a FREE KIT of your choice each month for an ENTIRE YEAR? Digital Artist Magazine is celebrating in style as we prepare for our second anniversary in September! If you haven't already, come over and join the fun with challenges, games and $1500 in PRIZES!

We have decided to get everyone in the party spirit by giving away FOUR of these fantastic prizes! Leave us a comment here on the forum and tell us why YOU think you should win!!

This contest is being hosted across multiple communities. Everyone will be entered into a prize draw and 4 winners will be selected at random. Each month, the winners will contact us with their kit of choice, limited to $8 USD.

Contest closes at 11.50pm (EST) on Sunday, August 31st and 4 winners will be announced on the following Tuesday.
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Well-Known Member
Wow! what a cool offer :) Why should I win?? hmmmm.....well, maybe because I'm in serious need of a new EHD, mine is almost maxed and wouldn't this be the perfect reason...a free kit each month!!??


Well-Known Member
wow - what a prize! hmmm... as for why I should win... well, I have 3 great kids to scrap... and as a SAHM with only 1 income, I can't buy nearly as many kits to scrap with as I'd like... and so I don't have to drive my husband crazy saying, "oh please - just one more!" LOL!


Well-Known Member
WOW - I had to read the ad a couple times to believe it :) Why should I win? Because I'm feeling lucky...he he. It really would be great because just like everyone $$ is tight, but wonderful moments happen each day that need to be scraped!!!


Well-Known Member
Hmmm.....I should win because I have a serious addiction....and free kits enable me!!!! Pick me! Pick me!!!


Well-Known Member
well I deserve to win bc Im poor and I am addicted to scrapping! and I love all the kits here and I want them all. And money is getting even tighter bc I found out Im pregnant with our 3rd kid yesterday! LOL So, thats why I derserve to win. I don't like to sound selfish so thats enough. LOL
thank you and I hope I win!!!:D


Well-Known Member
Hmm...I feel I should win because I am pretty cool, and I rock, and I think your magazine rocks, and I am addicted to digi-scrapping!

Thank you for the chance to win!


Well-Known Member
I know this will sound totally cheesy, maybe even fake, but I assure you it's true. One of my dogs, my first and best friend prolly won't live out the year. She just had a 6 1/2lb tumor removed out of her tummy :(. If it's cancer then she'll have any where between 3-12 months even with chemo. So I need kits to scrap our life together!! You can imagine her vet bills, not leaving me anything to spend anymore :(. BLAH!!!! On a happy note that's excatally what scrapping is for! :) Thank you for the entry :) Good luck to everyone!


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Why pick me? :cool: Because we are in over our head with bills so I can't afford buying any scrap material.


Well-Known Member
Because scrapbooking has become the only thing keeping me positive in this depressing market. :-D Haha...so sad, it's true!


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm ... why should I win? I definitely can't say I'm more deserving than anyone else. But, I love to scrap, and my hubby is allowing me to stay home with our 3 kids instead of working, so I'm not buying anything in the way of scrapping materials, or anything else for myself for that matter. I have 3 awesome kids to scrap, and the more kits and designers I'm exposed to, the better I can scrap, and the more I can expand my abilities.