
SPECIAL AnnaLift- AnnaARTsyChallenge (5.24.13-5.30.13)


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone! :wave:

It’s Friday and time for another challenge from Anna Aspnes.

Each Friday the AnnaTeam selects one creative page from the Anna gallery as the weekly ‘AnnaLift.’ Check out the inspiration page and decide what speaks to you. Is it the design, the color, the wordART, or maybe the photo? Choose ONE idea from the page to lift or choose it ALL and lift it completely. There is no right or wrong way to ArtPlay. Be inspired and create your ‘AnnaLift’ and then upload your page to the Anna gallery. Upload your page by Thursday 5.30.13 by NOON EST with the title, ‘AnnaLift ’ and one lucky participant will be randomly selected to win a very special $10.00 GiftKard to Anna’s shop. The winner will be posted each Thursday here in the forum.

Anna’s products mix well with so many kits/designers and Anna welcomes you to include these with your Anna Products on your AnnaLift page.

This week the Anna is celebrating the release of her 100th Artsy Layered Template and we have a very special AnnaLift to share!! This week’s challenge is an AnnaARTsyChallenge using any of Anna’s amazingly cool Artsy Layered Templates.

Check out the very latest Artsy Layered Template No. 100!

Now the BIG news!! Look how Anna is helping you celebrate all 100 Artsy Layered Templates in her store………..HUGE SALE!! :whoo:

So many ArtsyCool Templates to choose, but at that price- 100 cents, you can choose plenty of them!! But hurry, it’s just for 100 hours!

This week to celebrate the AnnaARTsyChallenge share your ART pages using any of the Artsy Layered Templates in the Anna gallery. Tell us which Artsy Layered Template you used and let us in on any fun and cool digi ways you used the template (resized/rotate/partial pieces/duplicated/additions/subtractions.) Love to know your methods in using the Artsy LT’s as they are perfect as is or amazingly versatile to fit any digital style or ART page.

Be sure to check out AnnaNews letter this weekend with more Artsy Layered Template information. If you don’t receive the AnnaNewsletter yet, you can sign up here!:)

Also be sure to be head over to Anna’s blog on Monday and Tuesday next week and she will have even more Artsy Layered Template ideas and inspiration to share with you.

We can’t wait to see all the fabulous and creative AnnaARTsyChallenge pages and we invite you to share your ART with us in the Anna gallery. Share as MANY of your Artsy Layered Template pages as you wish this week and we’d LOVE to see 100 challenge pages posted in the Anna gallery. We are celebrating this special AnnaARTsyChallenge with a $10.00 GiftKard to Anna’s store!!:)

A few more 'hints' of inspirations from Anna Aspnes
ArtPlay Palette Lush and new AnnaRelease

We hope our AnnaARTsyChallenge inspires you and we invite you come join us in the gallery and share your ART. You know we always LOVE to see how you ArtPlay. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to ArtPlay……………..Anna just wants us all to PLAY.


Anna and Team :cheer2:


I adore Anna's templates because they always make me feel like an artist.

AASPN_ArtPlayMetroGraffiti_Milda (green paper)


Well-Known Member
Help with template

I was all set to try this with Artsy Layered Template #93, but...
when I open it in PSP 13 it is a single flat layer. Others open in layers. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
I was all set to try this with Artsy Layered Template #93, but...
when I open it in PSP 13 it is a single flat layer. Others open in layers. Any ideas?

Hey Jean!
I just checked my folder with the Artsy LT #93 and there is the preview page and the psd with layers. If you just downloaded maybe something strange happened in the download and maybe try downloading it again.


Well-Known Member
Strange that Jean , mine just opens in layers , may be you have thrown the psd out by mistake.?


Feeling at hOme!
This is such a nice challenge: I've got me 5 templates in Anna's store :)

Here is a first layout using the template no28



Well-Known Member
Okay, so this all started with the beautiful early morning light streaming through my kitchen window. So I needed to photograph something. I pulled out the half-empty carton of fresh eggs my coworker shared with me from his sister's farm. Well that wasn't good enough…so I pulled out a few things so it would look like I was baking. (Mind you, I never got around to baking today!) Now which of Anna's 100-cent Artsy Layered Templates to use??? No. 79, yes, I'm going with No.79. Well, as you can see it took on a life of its own! Miss Melody joined the project and then came the chicken who tried to encourage Melody to give it a go…baking, that is. Melody didn't want to admit to the chicken that her mother had never taught her to bake and she had never so much as cracked an egg…ever!

(PS Unlike Melody, I really can bake…I just didn’t today!)




Well-Known Member
I had an interesting time getting this done. Artsy Layered Template No. 93 opened in PSP 13 as one flat layer though others open correctly. I tried downloading it again with the same result. PSP does have an error message that there are unsupported features, but I get that with most .psd format templates. I decided to try a totally different approach and downloaded GIMP. That program opened the file in layers! Hooray. I then exported it from GIMP still as a .psd format. Again, an error message came. This time that a burn mode couldn't be handled and it was saving in a normal mode. This time PSP could open the GIMP output just fine. What a saga! But I love the template.



Well-Known Member
Well congrats Anna with your 100 ALT, here is mine to celebrate my youngest 8th b-day