I was trapped in some sort of scrapping purgatory of my own making and there was no escape. Toggling layers on and off like a caffeinated witch - who thought one macchiato could do that to you???… Balancing precariously on the fence of indecision - no surprise here I'm afraid … The running commentary in my head getting wildly out of control - no comment here, moving on… The right side of my brain has clearly staged a coup, shoving logic into a broom closet and replacing it with a raucous committee of artistic opinions, each clamoring with impatience and desire to be heard (as in implemented), each more insistent than the last.
"Less is more", one declared with a smug confidence of a minimalist interior designer. Dutifully, I stripped the background down, letting a simple off-white paper place emphasis on my clustering skills.
"But simple is not necessarily better", snorted another and on went a texture layer, framing the page nicely, adding interest and flair… and possibly sophistication…
"This is bland, you need some color", countered yet another rolling its imaginary eyes and I threw in a dark frame.
"Too much, tone it down!!!", snapped a voice and I obediently added a paper which echoed the soft green in my photo.
"You can't be serious", they groaned in unison…. There was a collective pause to take a collective breath… and then it all erupted in a cacophony of shrieks…
"Switch them!"
"Turn the dark one off!"
"No, not that one!"
"Make it wider"
"That's too much!"
"This is better"!
"Just.. Just DON'T!"
The chaos was absolute. Frames and colors flickered like disco lights, making the layout twitch and twirl to the beat it alone could hear:
Dark or light
None or wide
Single, shaded
Matted, faded,
Double, none,
Can't choose one…
And on and on it went… At some point, I ran to the bathroom, came back and winced at the mismatched frames that sure added interest - but not artistry - to the page. Grabbing the mouse, I considered getting another coffee, but the siren song of the unfinished pulled me in and I was back on the dancing floor… this time waltzing…
I know you
I've used you a million a time
I know you
The colors that match and frame and let a page shine
And I know it's true, layouts do often as they please…
This was getting ridiculous... What was supposed to be a "quick-few-finishing-touches-then-post" thing was turning into a "congrats-you-have-achieved-nothing" thing. My mojo has fizzled out and my reasoning was holding on to the brooms refusing to exit the aforementioned closet. It was time I followed suit and did some chores. See ya later, frames…
Oh, and this is the page, by the way… Created for this month's art journaling challenge focused around perspective and titled PEACE… ironic, isn't it?