
Rude comments


Mistress of Mayhem
:rant: First of all - this is not about something here at Oscraps. Not the gallery here, not any designer here, not even about a scrapper here. I'm just bringing it here to talk about it with other scrappers not involved and see what you think. I might be overreacting - I usually do LOL

This is beginning to turn into a pet peeve for me, but WHY even bother to comment on a LO if you can't say anything nice? Just complain or be plain rude?

Here are three comments on three different LOs made by one of the lady's on Silvia's team (I'm the CT leader fo Silvia in case you didn't know, and I get very protective about my ladies LOL)

"Pretty, but incomplete. Names? Date? How are these persons related to you, the scrapbooking LO artist? This is (ought to be) so much more than simply an ad for Silvia's kit--I hope you will add the information to finish this LO and repost it."

"lovely, but something important is definitely missing--who are these persons? When was the photo taken? What was the special event? How do they relate to the maker of this LO?
IMO LOs should be more than just free advertising for the maker of the kit (No offense meant to Silvia, I think she makes beautiful products)"

"Who? When? Where? How does the person in the photo relate to you?"

She clearly has a hang-up about LOs have to have journaling. But if she see's again and again that this scrapper has her style, and don't want to add journaling - does she really have the right to criticize? It's one thing if a person asks for constructive critique, but to just jump right in on a gallery and start telling people what's the "right" way to scrap?

Am I overreacting? This woman has really pissed me off this morning. I might be totally overreacting, but I can't really see why you have to comment on LOs if you can't be nice. The fact is all three of these layouts look fantastic, and if the scrapper choose to leave out names and dates, that's up to her. It might even be so that she does that only for the pics she posts on the net. I'm not sure if this is the case here, but if you scrap for someone else, you might not want to post their names all over the net.

And now I haven't even started on the "free advertising"-part ... LOL ... as if CT work doesn't count, and as if designer's don't give you the kits for free, which actually is her way to PAY for the advertising.

Stepping of my soap box, swallowing my 2 cents ... thanks for listening to my b*tching.

Would love to hear you others thoughts on comment in the gallery and the etiquette for it?


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
Oh bless you Eva ... I don't think you're over-reacting at all! You're sooooooo right ... there is no right or wrong way to scrap ... it is completely PERSONAL!!! If feedback is requested, I'll be honest and perhaps make a suggestion (if appropriate) but I would NEVER be critical / negative of someone's style, preferences and decisions to include or exclude details (such as names, date & places etc).

The example comments you've quoted are really harsh ... if someone left comments like that on my LO's, I'd be pretty miffed too! There are ways of giving constructive feedback, but this ain't one of 'um.


Well-Known Member
WOW!!! Those are pretty off the chart comments!! I think they are rude and offensive!!! Well they would be to me....although we all love posting our pages for others to see...it's not really anyone else's business the WHO WHAT WHEN if we choose not to share that on the page. We make our pages mostly for ourselves or family, RIGHT?? and we KNOW the WWW's of the picture!!!!

I think you are totally right on feeling like this and if it were me....now this is me, and let's take into account I am in a crappy mood a lot these days..HAHA....I would probably tell her to STOP!!! well....maybe in a very nice way though!!


Well-Known Member
I accidently hit the enter button before I was finished....

I wanted to say that you are so sweet to look after the other girls and feel like this over their pages!!!

:hug: :kiss:

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
I'm behind you totally, Eva, and agree with what the girls above have said. My own opinion is that I don't love every LO I see, and those that don't appeal I probably won't comment on, but I'd NEVER leave mean comments - far better no comment than an foul one. I choose to post names, dates and places on my LOs because that's the way I scrap, but I know plenty of scrappers & indeed bloggers who deliberately cover over the who, where, when as private information that they do not want to share over the net. And that's perfectly OK.

Are these comments all from the same person? If so, I do think a private message is in order, perhaps with your Team Leader hat on, backing up your team's LOs and that advertising for your designer is EXACTLY what it's all about! If the comments come from different people that is harder to deal with.

I'm so glad you felt at hOme enough to come here and confide in us, Eva. Good luck working out how to handle this one.


The Loopy-O
You are not overreacting at all. Those comments have my blood boiling and I am not even involved.

I agree with Selena- maybe a PM is in need. I am hoping that maybe this person doesn't realize that comments for scrapping are meant to be positive, but I am doubtful of that.

Good luck.

PS: I also agree with the ladies here that you are so sweet to look after your girls!


Mistress of Mayhem
Yes the comments are all from the same person. I was thinking of pm her for a while, but I think she's just a troll and would just get a kick out of it. I found another comment from her on a LO that has W?W?W? covered. And do you think she's satisfied with that? No way:

"This is lovely! I think it would be interesting if you wrote a bit about the occasion for this photo--more than just name and date. (how you feel about this or what she was doing that prompted you to snap the photo--that sort of thing). The design of the LO has plenty of white space and could handle a bit more text without distracting from the overall design. I love the subtle textures in Sylvia's papers."

Love how she kicks on the team all the time, and at the same time tries to sweet talk with Silvia LOL I think I got a new hobby - reading her comments in the gallery :D She hasn't commented on any of my LOs yet :)

I'm just happy to be able to talk about it here at hOme :) And the most important thing for me was to make sure the team knows I what I think. I don't want the ladies to be sad/upset.

Thanks everyone!


The Loopy-O
You know, you might be 100% spot on- she's just a troll who is getting kicks out of getting under your (and everyone's) skin.

Better to laugh at her than give her what she wants- more attention.


Mistress of Mayhem
Yeah, I've calmed down now ... a little ... LOL
Thai take-away makes people happy ;)

Most important: the lady she attacked knows I (and the team) is behind her and loves her LOs. And it was like I said, she's not adding names to people just for internet safety.


Well-Known Member
I agree with everything that's being said...that you are sweet to care for your CT and that the person making the comments is going too far.

As a confirmed genealogist, I've often felt that it would be good for people to put information on heritage pages, not just names but about it all. That seems the purpose of doing them to me. BUT...I have NEVER posted that comment unless asked to. As for protecting names online, I strongly advocate for that too.

The advice to simply ignore may be the best though.


Well-Known Member
Good grief Eva! Those comments are just out-and-out mean! This lady must have a very high opinion of herself to post such garbage to everyone else. Good for you for rallying around your team members!


Well-Known Member
who the hell does she think she is that she has the right to " comment" like that. she's off her rocker and it's none of her busines to tell people how to scrap. :nono:
go home woman and find a different hobby.:juggle: grrrr.

they are lucky to have you as their Ct boss Eva.:angel:
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ONA - Administrator
Eva that is downright rude and unpleasant! I totally agree with everything that has been said so far, when I comment on a page its about something I like about the page. I remember that it is someone's life that this person is scrapping about, and to THAT person that page is special in some way. We may not like that style but that is what scrapbooking is all about isn't it, expressing ourselves the best way we can in a style that is our very own. We all create our pages with love, and to have someone come in with hob nailed boots and walk all over them is just NOT ON!!

Most of the time I am scrapping with my DIL's photos so I don't often know the WHY or the story that is behind the photo. On some of the pages my DIL's will print out the page and stick a short note on the back of them to tell a little story, but often times they don't. It's all about CHOICE!!

Who is this woman? is she at the same forum/gallery? Is she an Admin or site CT or what? Personally I would be sending her a nice tactful PM suggesting that if she can't leave tasteful comments then PLEASE don't leave any!!!!!

I also think that it is wonderful that you are backing your CT up Eva. How does Slyvia feel about it? does she know the woman??

Thanks for sharing this with us sweetie, it will keep us all vigilant and also just reaffirms that the MAJORITY of people in the scrapbooking industry are a wonderful, supportive and creative bunch!!! xx (like here at the O!) :)


always chatty at the O!!
Wow!! I cannot believe some people and what they think is appropriate. Those comments are not appropriate in any way. I am with everyone else..."Yay for taking care of your girls!" That is awesome. On the other hand I do not agree that it should be left alone. I think it is a site issue and I would contact the site administrators with a list of every inappropriate comment I could find (so they know it is not a 1 time thing) and tell them that you do not believe that is what the site is about and that they need to handle it. Nobody deserves to have somebody tell them how they should or should not scrap. When it comes down to it...scrapping is an artistic outlet for so many. When we are scrapping for our CTs we are trying to help a designer sell their product and they hand selected us because of many reasons...one of which is because they think our style works with their products. So, in this case Silvia likes the style of the girls on the team and if she wanted you guys to add dates, names, etc or more journaling she would have either asked you to change it or not asked those people onto the team. I don't think even creative criticism is appropriate unless requested. People want to get loved on in the galleries not have their layouts torn apart. While she may not have been mean she still crossed a line. I would not handle it directly myself because like it has been said she is a troll who thrives on attention but when an owner or admin gets involved...that is not as much fun. So, that is what I have to say about this crazy gallery stalker (in a bad way for the first time).

Good luck with this.


Well-Known Member
Wow... I can't believe that woman!!! I know that a lot of people like the comments on their LOs to have actual substance like the person actually LOOKED at their LO... but this woman has gone too far. Unfortunately there's so many trolls out there, I just see someone replacing her.

I would do what Clara suggested and contact the site admin. If nothing gets done about it, I wouldn't want to have anything to do with the site she's on because they obviously don't care about their community if they don't reign her in.


Mistress of Mayhem
I can get at total fixation with things like this. Been reading her comments on more pages, and she seems to have a hang-up on CTs. Like we get stuff for free, and she doesn't.

The lady who got the rude comments I qouted in the first post did reply "I don't post personal information about anyone that is living, I respect they're privacy and furthermore it's none of your business and has nothing to do with the quality of my layout." She probably won't read it, but it's good she said what she thinks.

Contacting the site admin might be a good idea. I'm not active at this particular forum, I just go there to post my CT LOs. I know drive by posters aren't popular, but some forums you just don't want to be at LOL


Mistress of Mayhem
Look I made a LO. It has no journaling, no name, no date and no information. It's just made to promote Silvia's kit, so she gets some free advertising. ;)
(Gee, sometimes I'm soooo mature LOL)



Well-Known Member
I ditto what everybody is saying. There could be lots of good reasons why the names are not posted. I think she is being rude and unfair.

Personally, I would PM her once...even if she is a troll, I would want to make the majority opinion clear to her. Then I would forget about it and not respond beyond that. But that's just me, I get really hotheaded. :)


Well-Known Member
Number 1. good for you for being there for your team! They are lucky to have you!

Number 2. You don't even know if this is a "she" it could be anyone, including some psycho who is looking for info for all the wrong reasons. I would not be so nice when contacting this person, and quite honestly I would be extremely rude to them. They could just be po'ed cause they weren't accepted on the CT or someone who you read about on the news or belongs in an episode of CSI.

I NEVER put personal info in a LO that I post for privacy reasons because you never know who is lurking around the internet!


Everyone should post the layout they want!
Lots of ct members make pages without journaling for ct´s and make a different version with personal journaling for themselves.

If this person ever posts her comments here, let us know so we can do something about it!


ONA - Administrator
haha!! Diane, she wouldn't know what hit her if she tried leaving those type of comments here!!!! don't mess with the O family!!!!! :biggrin: (said in a Chris type/New Jersey voice)