
Publication Call for BellaScraps Magazine!


Well-Known Member
APRIL CALLS for BellaScraps.com

THEMED CALL: Do you have layouts or projects featuring flower photos, using flower papers and embellishments, or Mother's Day, tributes to mom, becoming mom? We want to see them!
ELEMENT CALL: Flowers! Show us your layouts using paper, silk, or any other type of flowers! We know you have them, so send them in!
TECHNIQUE CALL: Back to Basics, show us your layouts that are simple, fast, but beautiful! See the March 08 issue (coming soon) of BSM for related article and submit today!
CHALLENGE CALL: Love a good challenge? Submit your pages based on any of the challenges or tutorials featured in past issues of BSM! Go here to see current challenges.

NEEDED: Remember, we want digital layouts, hybrid layouts, hybrid projects, altered items using digital products, for all categories!
DEADLINE: April 1--those chosen will be featured in the April 15th issue of BSM.
E-MAIL: holley@bellascraps.com

All submissions should be e-mailed to holley@bellascraps.com by deadline above. Photos and layouts should be at least 12"x12" 72dpi or 8"x8" 150dpi JPGs. Include the FULL CREDITS and the following information:

Your name:
E-mail address:
Project/Layout Title:
Elements--ink, stickers, font, other:
Digital kit/elements:
Special techniques or journaling:

If your submission is chosen to be published you will receive a complimentary issue of BellaScraps Magazine! Sumbit your work today!


Well-Known Member
Yes we're looking forward to having lots of fun ladies, hehe!! Thanks for considering BSM :) HUGS!!!


Well-Known Member
I just want to say thanks to everyone, we've gotten some KNOCKOUT submissions! :) Keep them coming, and look for new calls monthly.
