
PSE - Brush image only a "+" when using Layer Mask


I have had this happen several times lately when using a Layer Mask in PSE19 - the round brush is only showing a "+" instead of the round brush circle. It makes it very difficult to erase close to the edges of the image without the brush circle. Is there a way to reset it so the brush circle shows?? I tried closing and restarting PSE but that did not reset it so I could see the round brush size circle.
Kay, I've had that happen, too. Sometimes, my caps lock is on and I don't realize it. Check that next time. That little ole caps lock messes a few things up.
Kay, I've had that happen, too. Sometimes, my caps lock is on and I don't realize it. Check that next time. That little ole caps lock messes a few things up.

LOL.... yes, it happens that my Capital Lock was ON!!! I knew there was a simple explanation and solution. Thanks so much, Cheryl. Just spent a frustrating hour using the layer mask on an image. Should have come in here and asked. :rolleyes:
LOL.... yes, it happens that my Capital Lock was ON!!! I knew there was a simple explanation and solution. Thanks so much, Cheryl. Just spent a frustrating hour using the layer mask on an image. Should have come in here and asked. :rolleyes:
Isn't that crazy??? I about lost my mind until I learned about that lil' bugger. o_O Glad I could help. :)