
Paint the Moon Resize for Web Gallery Action!


Well-Known Member
The second product is my new Photoshop action for resizing and perfecting your layouts to get them ready for the web!

I use this one constantly. It resizes your image automatically to the standard gallery size. It is non-destructive ... it makes a duplicate copy of your image to work with, sharpens it a bit and then you can choose to boost the saturation at the end (I added this step because if you have PS CS3 it tends to de-saturate colors when you do a Save for Web). It does all that for you and you end up with a perfect file to simply "Save for Web" for your gallery posts!

You can customize it all you want, or you can just click "OK" or continue all the way through the action and have it do everything for you.

I created this a long time ago and use it every time I save my layouts for galleries and submissions. It's a real time saver! :D


So glad I got this. Love this action!
It's so easy to use and the web layouts look great!