
new presslines - pregnancy themed


Well-Known Member
Hi guys!! I've got a new set of wordart out. It's pregnancy themed!!


sample layout (featuring baby #2 - I'm 15 weeks along now!)

link to presslines No. 10 - pregnancy

thanks for looking!!


So good to be back!
Wow, Liz, they're amazing!!! LOVE them!! LOVE the sample LO, congrats again, girl, yayyyy!!!



FeiFei Stuff Designer
PERFECTION LIZ!!!! and congrats on this BIIIG news!! im off to get it and scrap the 4 yr old first pic of Fei!


Well-Known Member
These are so perfect! Love them ;)

Congratulations!!! What a fun way to announce it too... I wish you the best pregnancy :)


...loves her some "O"
LIZ...i dunno how you kept it a secret for 15 weeks!!!! (or however long you knew!!!) but congrats again and these are soooooo wonderful...i wish I would have had digi pics of my pregnancies!! I have very few regular pics as it is!! :) now, I'm hoping for my sil to announce something in the near future so I can use these!! :)


O' whip cracker whip
Woot, I saw your layout on facebook and loved it, congratulations again sweetie :)


Well-Known Member
I'm so so excited for you girl! And these presslines are amazing. I can't wait to use them. I have a ton of unscrapped digi pics from when I was pg with the boys ... and I may even scan a few from Ella. :)

I'm especially nuts for the outlined baby belly one.


Well-Known Member
These are so awesome! I love them! If I end up doing a pregnancy/baby book for anyone, I will have to buy them.


back hOme and loving it
awww congrats liz !!!!
these are great ! too bad I'm not planning on another baby ... :|
wonderful !


always chatty at the O!!
How did you know I was about to do some pregnancy layouts!! These are so perfect. Congrats on your own little bundle of joy!!