
NEW AnnaLift 8/05/17 - 8/11/17


Hello aArtists!

It’s time for another challenge from Anna Aspnes. The AnnaTeam selects one creative page from the Anna gallery as the weekly ‘AnnaLift.’ Be inspired, create your own ‘AnnaLift,’ upload your page to the Anna gallery and include it here in this forum thread. Upload your page by Friday 8.11.17 by 8:00 pm EST with the title, ‘AnnaLift. ’ One lucky participant will be randomly selected to win a $5.00 GiftKard to Anna’s shop.

HOW IT WORKS: Each Saturday the AnnaTeam posts one creative page from the Anna gallery as the weekly ‘AnnaLift.’ Check out the inspiration page and decide what speaks to you. Is it the design, the color, the wordART, or maybe the photo? Then enjoy artfully playing—there is no right or wrong way to ArtPlay.

Choose ONE idea to lift or choose it ALL and lift it completely. Be inspired, create your ‘AnnaLift’ and then upload your page to the Anna gallery, plus include it here in this forum thread. It would be great if you could link back to your page in the gallery too!

Anna’s products mix well with so many kits/designers and Anna welcomes you to include these with your Anna Products on your AnnaLift page.

If you’ve never challenged yourself to an AnnaLift—just do it!
If you’ve never posted or shared your AnnaLift—just do it!
If you have time to leave some love for someone in the gallery—do it too!
(Your kind words may inspire and encourage someone!)


I’m on Vacation by hkati

Exuberant and exciting fittingly describes this week’s lift. Happiness seems to exude from this delightful design. The large photo of a woman jumping up into the air suggests elation and the pops of bright red clothing also hint at her exhilaration. Simple wordArt explains why—who hasn’t felt this way embarking on a much-needed holiday? A ghosted city skyline in the background adds sophistication while artstrokes, dots and splatter at the bottom accentuate the feeling of movement and enthusiasm. A scruffy border overlay contains the design and adds a contrasting touch of grunge. With just a few basics the clever design oozes joy and delight. This talented artist has a knack for designing remarkable layouts using minimal elements to create maximum impact. Many kudos to her for sharing her visual glee with us.

Thank you, hkati, for sharing your inspirational design and artistry.

IDEAS TO INSPIRE: Use ONE or MORE of the following in your AnnaLift layout.
• Create a visual expression of joy, elation or happiness in your layout.
• Place a colorful rectangular photo in the center of your design.
• Ghost (greatly reduce the opacity) a portion of your photo in the background.
• Match your color palette with the prominent colors in your photo.
• Use an overlay to frame and accentuate your layout.
• Accent with lots of artstrokes and/or splatters to suggest movement.

• ArtPlay Palette Hackneyed *New & On Sale*

• ArtPlay Palette Antiquity

• ArtPlay Palette Pierian

• ArtStroke Value Pack No. 1

• Distressed Edges No. 9

• Artist Edges Overlays No. 6

Upload your page by Friday at 8:00 pm (EST) with the title, ‘AnnaLift ’ and one page will be randomly selected to win a $5 GiftKard to Anna's store." The winner will be posted here on SATURDAY.

We hope our AnnaLift inspires your creativity. You know we always LOVE to see how you ArtPlay.

Thanks for ArtPLAY-ing with us! :)

Anna and the Anna Team
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Well-Known Member
Well, I didn't keep to the original or the instructions LOL but here is mine, anyway!


aA Creative Team Member
AnnaLift Copenhagen


Christy- wonderful choice in hkati design! Thank you for the challenge!


On behalf of Anna and everyone on Anna’s Creative Team THANK YOU for participating in the AnnaLift Inspiration Challenge inspired by "hkati." Such truly amazing works of AnnaART! Thank you, again, for sharing your beautiful pages with us in the Anna gallery!!

Random generator selected lucky number 1 which belonged to tigress. She will receive a $5 GiftKard to Anna’s shop. tigress, I will be sending you a message.

Congratulations to our winner, tigress, and THANKS again to everyone for your participation in the AnnaLift!

Be sure to check out the NEW AnnaLift challenge every Saturday here at the O.

Anna and Team :)