
Jopke Designs July 2016 Challenge


Well-Known Member
Hi, CTM Patsy here. I can't believe it's July already and time for another challenge from JopkeDesigns. For this challenge I have chosen one of my favorite elements - a full page photo. I want you to enlarge your photo to fill the entire page. Then use brushes, elements, word art, etc to add, remove, and change items on the original photo in order to create your own piece of art.

Here's the original photo I started with:

Here's my finished page. I started by selecting the background below the shelf and deleting it. Then I added a piece of paper below that layer so it looked like wallpaper. I added a couple of brushes to add depth. Then I added a piece of patterned paper above the photo and blended it. I masked out the portions I didn't want to show. I added a piece of word art above the photo and also masked out the portions I didn't want to show. I finished it off with a Pimp Page Overlay border.

I look forward to seeing how everyone approaches this challenge.

Create a layout by altering a photo to create a new composition.
Layout needs to contain 75% of JopkeDesigns products
Layouts need to be uploaded to JopkeDesignns gallery and linked back to this thread.
Layouts need to be uploaded before 11:59 PM CST on July 31, 2016

One lucky person will win a $5 coupon to the JopkeDesigns Store
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Well-Known Member
this is my page I hope that this is what you mean
this is the original photo.

and this is what I do with all of Jopke's stuff


I lOve the awesOme O!
Here is mine, and thanks for the inspiration :)

original photo
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Well-Known Member
Wowwhoooo! LOVE your takes on this challenge girls! These pages are absolutely awesome! What a difference with the original photo. So much more depth and well... more alive I guess! Great work!