
IOS or Android?


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
As far as I know, there are only two "platforms" for cell phones: IOS (iPhone) and Android. So, (if you have a cell phone) which one do you have? Android covers a lot of different "names", but I'm just interested in which platform you have. My whole family has always had iPhones and I was a holdout with my Android (Galaxy) for a long time. The main reason I switched was because Becky Higgins came out with an app called Project Life and it was only available on iPhone/iPad, etc. She eventually came out with the app for Android, but it was quite awhile.


Well-Known Member
I'm an apple girl. IOS all the way LOL My one child is an android guy and wont even think IOS. But I loved the message feature of IOS and when we didn't have cell signal at home we could still message via wi-fi.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I'm an apple girl. IOS all the way LOL My one child is an android guy and wont even think IOS. But I loved the message feature of IOS and when we didn't have cell signal at home we could still message via wi-fi.
Me too - after I finally switched. My family all kept telling me how much simpler iPhone was and didn't believe it. After I switched, it was like "Eureka!!" IOS is so much simpler. One of my sisters has an Android and won't change and she can't get so much of the stuff the rest of us are engaging in. I was one of the last hold outs, but she beats me. We have to send things to her husband, who has an iPhone.


Well-Known Member
Me too - after I finally switched. My family all kept telling me how much simpler iPhone was and didn't believe it. After I switched, it was like "Eureka!!" IOS is so much simpler. One of my sisters has an Android and won't change and she can't get so much of the stuff the rest of us are engaging in. I was one of the last hold outs, but she beats me. We have to send things to her husband, who has an iPhone.
Yes, we have so many family group messages my son isn't a part of because he is so anti-apple. Someone told him apple evil and he cant unhear it. He wont ever change but he pays for his own phones now so more power to him. LOL


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Yes, we have so many family group messages my son isn't a part of because he is so anti-apple. Someone told him apple evil and he cant unhear it. He wont ever change but he pays for his own phones now so more power to him. LOL
Same with my sister. She's dead set against the iPhone. She's one in about 15 of us. I get it (sort of) because I was an Galaxy lover and hated to give it up. But the switch was SO simple - iPhone is so much simpler than Android. I didn't believe it, but I have to admit that it is. That's why people come out with their apps on iPhone - the platform is so much more simple. As they said on Seinfeld "Not that there's anything wrong with it". LMBO - that's my way of saying "it's OK whatever you want to use." Jerry was the OG in Political Correctness. :floorlaugh::rotfl::lol23:


Well-Known Member
Same with my sister. She's dead set against the iPhone. She's one in about 15 of us. I get it (sort of) because I was an Galaxy lover and hated to give it up. But the switch was SO simple - iPhone is so much simpler than Android. I didn't believe it, but I have to admit that it is. That's why people come out with their apps on iPhone - the platform is so much more simple. As they said on Seinfeld "Not that there's anything wrong with it". LMBO - that's my way of saying "it's OK whatever you want to use." Jerry was the OG in Political Correctness. :floorlaugh::rotfl::lol23:
Yep, not that there's anything wrong with it but they are wrong :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Me too. I once had an android. When the iPhone 6 came out I made the switch. Haven't looked back.
It took me several years. I'm not a fan of change. I had had an Android for so long and I didn't want to relearn a new platform. My favorite thing to say after I switched was "iPhone :floorlaugh: :lol23: was "simple" and I've always been a fan of "keep it simple stupid". KISS.


Queen of the Universe
I'm an Android girl. My first smartphone was an iPhone SE that I inherited when my then-husband upgraded his phone, but when I was ready for my own upgrade I went back to Android. In my family messaging group we have IOS and Android users, and we don't have any trouble sharing content. I was even able to Facetime with my daughter, who has an iPhone.

Terri M

Well-Known Member
Android. I am a former systems programmer, from back in the day when I actually had to have my hands on the computer switches, then through assembly language and on up. Apple frustrates me SO MUCH because it limits where I can put files and how I can organize my stuff. If I want to download a file to a specific place, it's my device, darn it, and I want to do it. I do have an old iPad that I mostly use as a tablet for doing crossword puzzles by "pencil" and to get on the internet if I have to update someone's web page when we're traveling but I don't even back it up, it's that unimportant to me.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I'm an Android girl. My first smartphone was an iPhone SE that I inherited when my then-husband upgraded his phone, but when I was ready for my own upgrade I went back to Android. In my family messaging group we have IOS and Android users, and we don't have any trouble sharing content. I was even able to Facetime with my daughter, who has an iPhone.
Well, apparently the one extended family member who has an android doesn't know how to do this. Or she just doesn't want to. :giggle4:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Android. I am a former systems programmer, from back in the day when I actually had to have my hands on the computer switches, then through assembly language and on up. Apple frustrates me SO MUCH because it limits where I can put files and how I can organize my stuff. If I want to download a file to a specific place, it's my device, darn it, and I want to do it. I do have an old iPad that I mostly use as a tablet for doing crossword puzzles by "pencil" and to get on the internet if I have to update someone's web page when we're traveling but I don't even back it up, it's that unimportant to me.
I agree about "it's my phone". Same as my computer - Windows - It's my computer so leave it alone. :giggle4:


Well-Known Member
We only broke down and got smart phones in November. We got Google Pixel which is android and I love it because it just connects with all my Google stuff so easily. And group messaging doesn't discriminate.