
I wonder, does anyone watch Normal people?


Well-Known Member
Two days ago I've started to watch this hulu's show, actually I've watched just the first 2 chapters, and I wonder f anyone else has watched it, and what do you think?
I've heard that it's a really good series, but the truth is I've heard the same thing about some movies that left me wondering if someone could give me back the time I lost :giggle4: , so if someone has watched it and can tell me what you honestly think, it would help me a lot, so I don't waste my time watching the remaining 10 episodes.
I googled it and saw that it is an Irish love story and hasn't gotten a second season. This is probably a show that has an open ending b/c they expected a season 2 but didn't get it. No idea how good it is though so maybe still worth watching.
I haven't seen it. Tried to read the book , cause it was really hyped. I quit after 2-3 pages. But that was because the author didn't use the -sign or ""signs to indicate when someone was speaking. Annoyed me sooooo much. I've been thinking I should watch the show instead, but never gotten around to it.

I think it's a basic feel good rom com type of story.
I haven't watched it... but what do you think of the first two chapters?
So far it's an interesting story, and there's interesting topics, but I really hate the third act breakup and misunderstandings, hope that there won't be so many because I don't like it at all, of course I know it's part of the drama, without misunderstandings there's not drama :giggle4:
I haven't seen it. Tried to read the book , cause it was really hyped. I quit after 2-3 pages. But that was because the author didn't use the -sign or ""signs to indicate when someone was speaking. Annoyed me sooooo much. I've been thinking I should watch the show instead, but never gotten around to it.

I think it's a basic feel good rom com type of story.
Wow Eva that's really annoying, I really hate when the author doesn't use the sign or indicates who's speaking, so weird. I thought read the book as well, but when I watched the series on hulu I thought it would be easier to watch it. To my mind it doesn't seems to be a rom com type, I am afraid that it's gonna include a lot of drama, for some points that I noticed, like the relationship between the main roles and Marianne's brother, as well her mom is a little bit despotic, I really hope that I'll be wrong and turn to be as you say, rom com, I really love romantic - comedies :lovey3: