
HI :) Sooooooooooooo happy to be a part of the oscraps fam!


Well-Known Member
hi all :). i'm soooooooooooooo super duper happy to be a part of the oscraps family! thank you so much for the warm welcome!!!

i just loaded a bunch of stuff into my brand spankin' new oscraps shop and i'll be continuing to add old and new stuff in the coming weeks.

my store will be 25% off all weekend long in celebration of the holiday!
woot :).

if you don't know me, i'd like to meet you!
you can find me on facebook: emily powers
you can find me on twitter: emsuperpowers
you can find me on my blog: http://www.emilypowers.typepad.com/oh_snap/
you can find me on my website: www.emilypowers.com

here's a few of the things in my store:



beauty mark: beautiful mess


photology v.3 (commercial use version also available!)


itty bitty epoxy alpha




What fantastic, artistic and creative items - love the photology and the beauty mark and of course the Christmas kit.
WELCOME and SO happy you have come home to the "O"


Well-Known Member
OOOOOH YAY!!!!!!! I am soooooo happy you are here. Your photology 2 has been on my wishlist for ages and when I finally decided to buy them, the store had been closed (we are storytellers). And now I found them here, in my very own O'shop. I am going to buy them immediately, but I have one question. I also fell in love with the storyboard 20x20, will these be available too ((please??????))



ONA - Administrator
hahahaha! Wia!! isn't it exciting having these new designers setting up shop with us!! and ooooooh I am interested in seeing the 20x20 storyboard!!!


Well-Known Member
i'm pretty sure i can make that happen ;). keep an eye out for it next week!

OOOOOH YAY!!!!!!! I am soooooo happy you are here. Your photology 2 has been on my wishlist for ages and when I finally decided to buy them, the store had been closed (we are storytellers). And now I found them here, in my very own O'shop. I am going to buy them immediately, but I have one question. I also fell in love with the storyboard 20x20, will these be available too ((please??????))



...loves her some "O"
emily!!!!!!!!!! I've been a long-time stalker and now I can stalk up close!!! yay!!! CAn't wait to get my grubby little hands on your designs!!! wooooooooooooot!!!!! welcome home, dear!!! :)


Well-Known Member
I'm so glad to see my most favorite designer back!! :)
I really missed to see your goodies, Em!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!