
Hi from sunny Western Australia!


Hi, my name is Sharon aka Chaserboy. I live in Perth WA and have two beautiful children- my son who is 7 and my daughter who is almost 9 months old. I am a Primary School teacher and have been digi-scrapping for about 6 months now. Would love to get to know some new people and all advice, help and tips are greatly appreciated:p


Well-Known Member
Hi Sharon and welcome to OScraps. Everyone here is ready to help. Do you have anything specific you are wanting tips on? If not, just holler when you do.

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Hey Sharon, welcome to the O. You're the second WA member who's joined in the last week! In fact there are quite a few Aussie's here - but I'm not one of them (despite my nik). Love Perth - was a regular visitor when I lived in Asia for some R&R Western style.

Chris Turnbull

Well-Known Member
Hi Sharon and welcome to the O. I'm Chris and live in Bendigo Vic Australia. Married for 22 years to my sweetheart Tim and we have 4 kids. Lance who is 17, Grace 16, Stephanie 15 next month and Maddison our youngest son who is 13. I still consider myself a newbie here although I joined awhile ago I have only started chatting in the forum and found everyone to be quite friendly. I'm sure many of us can help you just yell out and ask how.