
Hello from The Netherlands MemmieNelleke


Active Member
Hello from The Netherlands
Nelleke, single mom from almost 68 , 3 kids son- almost 39, son 36, daughter 31
living in a small village Lemmer in Friesland , province from the Netherlands.
Living together with my daughter and 2 black cats,Jiggles and Gizmo. Love digital scrapping and games , bin since 2010 Eileen Delliot ( HSA ) her CT member , https://nl.pinterest.com/nelwissing...uIflbPUxKx9cUrsr6A_aem_n4aWvH_TRlW7F01FkfMfpQ
Hoi Nelleke, welkom hier. Ik woon vlak bij Groningen. Leuk je hier te ontmoeten.
Is Eileen nog steeds een designer? Ik ken haar van de periode van Digiscrap.nl, maar die bestaat niet meer zag ik laatst.
Hello and welcome to Oscraps!

Here are some links to a couple of places that you might like to check out first:

The Forum and Gallery Guidelines (please read and agree/accept):

Forum & Gallery Rules

Everything you need to know about how our Forums and Galleries
For any help you may need please start a thread in this forum.
(There are also some guides on how to do various things in the forum)

Need Help with Our Site?

Got a question about using our site?


How lovely to see you here! I hope you settle in and enjoy being here.

Zo leuk om je hier te zien, mijn vriend van lang geleden.
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Hello and welcome to Oscraps!

Here are some links to a couple of places that you might like to check out first:

The Forum and Gallery Guidelines (please read and agree/accept):

Forum & Gallery Rules

Everything you need to know about how our Forums and Galleries
For any help you may need please start a thread in this forum.
(There are also some guides on how to do various things in the forum)

Need Help with Our Site?

Got a question about using our site?

thanks will do that.
Welcome Nelleke, I hope you like it here. Take a look around and perhaps share a layout or two of yours? We'd love to see some of your creations.