
Hello from Chris!

Chris Turnbull

Well-Known Member
Hi all, wow I can't believe I joined this forum in 2007 and I am only introducing myself now. Hummmm not sure what happened there.

Anyway hi all I'm Chris (Chris Turnbull) and know so many of you already.
A little about me....
I am *cough* * splutter* turning 42 this year, married to Tim for the past 22 years and we have 4 children all of whom are now teenagers. Lance 17, Grace 16, Stephanie almost 15 (March) and Maddison our youngest son who is 13.

I have been scrapping in some form or another for about 8 years or so. Started out paper scrapping, owned my own little scrapping business just as a hobby and within that taught classes both in one of our LSS, local primary school, ladies church group and also taught private and group classes from home. I then found digi scrapping about 3/4 years ago and have been totally addicted to it slowly creating my own style....which is usually eclectic and enjoying the freedom and creativity that goes with it.

After a horrendous and most difficult 2008 for our family and unfortunately 2009 has not started out so well either I am trying to get back into some sort of "normality" (although I think any sort of "normality" has well and truly been thrown out the window now) and slowly reclaim my passion for scrapping and more importantly my way of zoning out creatively from all the things we deal here at home on a day to day basis.

Anyway look forward to being here even if it is just popping in here and there from time to time and getting to know you all. Thanks for having me. Hugs!!


The Loopy-O
Hi to one Chris from another! Welcome to the O!!
I can totally relate to the lack of "normal" (As I keep saying, WTH does "normal" even mean??:D)- we had a horrible 2008 and are looking for a hopeful 2009- hope that yours goes good too.

This is really one of the friendliest and supportive places I have ever been at, and I hope that you join us and feel the same.

Stop by the Daily Ooo's threads every day so we can get to know you better.

Chris Turnbull

Well-Known Member
Thanks girls for your warm welcome and yep Chris what's normal anyway but truly if I told you a little about life here at home it may just make you shudder. To both of us....here's hoping to a better and more positive 2009. Hugs!!


O' whip cracker whip
Welcome hOme Chris. I am sorry you had a turbulent year and heres hoping for a more prosperous one. I do recognise your username and its bugging me from where, possibly DST :)

This place is truely the most funniest, happiest, friendlist place in digi land, and believe me when I say when I feel down I know I will get my spirits lifted here :)

Chris Turnbull

Well-Known Member
Welcome hOme Chris. I am sorry you had a turbulent year and heres hoping for a more prosperous one. I do recognise your username and its bugging me from where, possibly DST :)

This place is truely the most funniest, happiest, friendlist place in digi land, and believe me when I say when I feel down I know I will get my spirits lifted here :)

Thanks Cat for the warm welcome and yeh I am all over digiland....lol so possibly DST amongst a few other forums is where you recognise my user name. :)

Chris Turnbull

Well-Known Member
Thanks Hollie and Joanne for your welcomes it's good to finally be here in the forums getting to know everyone so much better. :)