
Good date night?


Well-Known Member
I'm looking for something fun and inexpensive to do for a date night with my fiance. We could really use it on a number of levels.

I'm happy with just being together over good food and conversation but I don't have a million dollars (okay fine, even $80) to treat us to a really nice dinner.

Anyone have special, inexpensive ideas?


Well-Known Member
With how expensive movies have gotten my DH and I usually go in the morning when it is only $4. Instead of diner and a movie we'll do breakfast and a movie. Its fun and then we can come home and take a nap.


Well-Known Member
How about a moonlit drive? Gas is coming down.
How about an indoor picnic? Complete with blanket etc.
Go out for dinner to an inexpensive restaurant. It doesn't have to be $80 dollars to be good does it? We have many Mexican restaurants where we can eat out for under $40.00. If you go for a lunch date, it would be even less.

How about the two of you cook something new and exotic together. Pick out a new recipe, go shopping together and then come home and test it out.

How about being silly and going to a Toys R Us or other kids store and picking out a game to play.

Go to a park and go for a walk hand in hand. Swing on the swings, be silly and playful.

Just a few off the top of my head.


...loves her some "O"
ohhh Merkee, those sound soooo fun!!!!

I love the driving one...captive audience!! then you can just talk and talk...love that!!!

You can go to the art museum (although some may be expensive...but still less than a movie) and pick your fave piece of art and stuff...

Is there a State park close by? love those!! Observatory with the stars...nothing like the stars to bring out the romance...

Are competitive? got a Wii? or another playstation? you can challenge each other to a tournament...Mr Gorgeous and I did that the other night...it was awesome!! and I worked out! yay!!! :)

We also love board games, cards, anything competitive...very fun! and cheap!!!

How about Window Shopping? We call it Dream Building...where we go to expensive stores and look at stuff...OR even go test drive a very cool car!!! don't give in to crazy pushy salespeople!! just have a great time being together!!

Tonight I'm just going to feed my sweetie when he gets home from the airport, then watch our episodes of Monk and Psych...very cheap!! LOL!!



...loves her some "O"
ohhh and Jos...LOVE Breakfast and a movie!!! love love that!! wonder how I can fit that in with him next week!!!


Well-Known Member
Movie Night at your house - can get popcorn and rent a movie

Coffee and the bookstore where you can window shop together :)

Game night is good too :)


Well-Known Member
Another thought, have dinner at home and then go out and splurge on a really yummy dessert someplace. Taking your time to really enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
We haven't been on a date night in a long time!! But my neighbor did say that it was time for them to babysit my son so we were to schedule a date night soon. ;)

We like doing the coffee/bookstore thing, dessert at a diner, and ordering take out and watching movies after our little guy goes to bed. Once we went to Dave & Busters and played video games together, and that was fun, and really different.


Well-Known Member
I love the Dave and Busters trivia game. =) Just buy a card and don't eat there. Try and go to a matinee movie, they are cheaper. I'm a big fan of a game at home, back massages or foot rubs, etc. Hope you find something fun to do!


Well-Known Member
my hubby and I date nights are on the cheap most times..
we have a few fun ones we love

hallmark store and read funny cards outloud

sit in mall and make up stories of people as they walk by...

I once gave him a full pedicure(no polish tee hee), but he loved it!

we love to listen to comedians...Brian Regan our favorite...over and over...
and each have a small container of good icecream...and laugh

our first date, we walked thru a graveyard and read the markers...wierd but cool

feed ducks at lake

thrift shop, we love doing that together!