
Daily O's Friday edition May 2, 2014


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Really :shock: I am the first one here today?? Or did I miss this post somehow today??

Oh well good morning everyone! A quick :plane: for me today as I am out the door to get my groceries and then go plant shopping. Got all my flowers for the front yesterday, going to plant those later on and hopefully find all my flowers for baskets and such today or tomorrow. Gotta get this done before the :rain: hits us tomorrow. Why is it always raining on the weekends??? Hope you all have a fabulous Friday! :high5: :wave:


Well-Known Member
hi, Trudy! where is everybody? we are SOOO not at the right time to do any planting around where i live. and it won't stop raining..... hope your day is lovely. nothing much going on here. went out to look at sofas that DD is thinking about getting. spent a lot of time rubbing my eyes. allergy and The Blobs. :mmph:

enjoy your weekend, guys, wherever you are! :becky:


lOve the O!
yikes everyone must be loading their carts! We got 2" rain in 48 hours this week. It is chilly, so no fun outdoors stuff. Tonight I am scrapping, look for fun stuff in the gallery tomorrow morning.