
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, September 18


The Loopy-O
:waving1 HelloO, dear friends!
How is everyone today? I have to admit, it sure hasn't felt too quiet around here. Quiet-er without Caitlyn and Tom but not actually "quiet." It was another jam-packed day here, from start to finish. In the morning, Scott and Gary worked on his truck, installing a new, larger roof rack system, only to find the wrong number of bolts were shipped. While they were doing that, I cleaned out the rats' cage and played with them for a long time, messaging photos to Caitlyn the entire time.
My Homeschool prep yesterday was making a trial run of the solar oven. I put a Hershey's Kiss inside and while it didn't melt in the hour I had it outside, it did get warm and shiny. I can tweak the setup and hope for a nice sunny day and it will work better. In between all of that, I scrapped a page for the week 4 AJ Challenge I am hosting. Scott and Sam came for dinner, and I used the wedding grilled veggie platter to make flatbreads. Oh, I dug up my vax records and made an appt for Covid/Flu shot tomorrow. I don't have plans for Friday so if I am feeling yucky, it won't matter.

I have more stuff to do today- housework and cleaning for my friend in the afternoon. Scott and Sam invited us to their house for dinner, if Scott is up to it. He is getting over a cold and was wiped out by dinnertime last night. I want to finish my plans for the Sunflower lesson since that is what I am doing first, next Tuesday.
And of course, I need to spoil the cutest little girls in the world with Yogis and cheerios and snuggles. I mean, look at how cute they are ♥



The Loopy-O
@mimes1 I am LMBO at the "Take it (homing pigeon) to Amy!" comment. Of course-- who else? LOL I am glad that your friend was able to take him in. So--- are racing pigeons just let out to fend for themselves when they aren't wanted any longer? Or just this one particular @*^%#$ owner? Either way, I am so happy for your friend and for the bird ♥

@vickyday Gary seemed a little better yesterday. I could see how he was struggling at the wedding, his stomach was such a mess. He sees the Lyme dr tomorrow and who knows, maybe this time she have something that will help. (yeah, that is *not* gonna happen but it's nice to dream...)
I hope that you see the sunshine today if it didn't come out yesterday.
Donating the coloring books to the assisted living facility would be very nice. Your library could be another place that might want them if the facility doesn't want them.

J needs to go out, BRB!


The Loopy-O
@taxed4ever Did the fog lift for your kayaking? Are your leaves turning yet?
I hear ya on LOs taking forever to finish. I feel like I am getting slower and slower on my pages too. It's like there is a limit of ideas in my brain and I am running out.
:rotfl: at the squirrel meme

@BoatLady Debby- you and DD/GDD must have such a close relationship, I love hearing about it.
I'm not sure where Caitlyn is going to store her wedding stuff since our attic is packed tight with a lot of Gary's things that he can't throw away (eye-roll). Although things *do* come in handy-- We stored my IV pole up there and he used that to hang Caitlyn's wedding dress up until she gets home and figures out what to do with it. I LMBO when I saw it yesterday. :p

@BrightEyes Lucky you, sleeping in. I am back on my before 5 am schedule again. Blergh. How is your knee feeling?
Usually turn the light off by around 9 PM unless I am reading a book that I can't put down!!! :lol23:
Yeah-- and if I had a dollar for every time you stayed up past midnight with a book in your hand... Ca-ching! :giggle4:

I cant wait to hear how the homeschool curriculum goes
Me too *gulps*
and how much everyone loves it.
and I hope so!
It sounds like a very successful do-nothing day. Do you get antsy from that? I have such a hard time staying still that sometimes it's better for me to keep pushing through than try to be still.
(Funny-ish story: Years ago I was in an outpatient group treatment program for anorexia and one of the (awful awful awful) things we had to do was eat a full dinner and then we had a short break afterward. I would get full of anxiety and would have to move, couldn't sit still. After one of the dinners, the therapist had me sit, and just "be" for a little while and it was agony. Helpful, yes, but difficult, mentally and physically. it is something I still struggle with -- the just "be"-ing)
Long story not very short, I always admire people who can give themselves permission to just be and do nothing. Without losing their minds. :crazy: :lol23:

I hope you were very successful in hanging onto those spoons so you have enough for today. I wish that you didn't have to jump through all those hoops and checkboxes to be "qualified" and approved for surgery. The insurance companies make it so darn hard. :/

You are amazing! I soaked up some of your adrenaline this morning, but I doubt I'll be able to hang until winter without a supplement. I am so glad you explained who "Mr. Weis" was. We have a lot of Weis's around here, not sure where their ancestors ghosts settled. The next time Mr. Weis shows up could you ask him if he has relatives who are dairy farmers?

I don't; know if the Weises from the ecology center were dairy farmers but I will be sure to ask :D
Although if a glass bottle with writing rolls across the floor in answer, I'm gonna be outta there, no follow-up questions to be sure! :eek3:


The Loopy-O
The dogs are going to be the death of me :runningdog: They won't leave me alone when I am trying to type here hehehe

What have I done? No clue - one of "those days". Why do I have days that I can't account for getting anything accomplished? I guess that's just the way the cookie crumbles.
Sooo many days like that here... I hope that you feel more accomplished today.


Well-Known Member
Debby- you and DD/GDD must have such a close relationship, I love hearing about it.
I'm not sure where Caitlyn is going to store her wedding stuff since our attic is packed tight with a lot of Gary's things that he can't throw away (eye-roll). Although things *do* come in handy-- We stored my IV pole up there and he used that to hang Caitlyn's wedding dress up until she gets home and figures out what to do with it. I LMBO when I saw it yesterday. :p
I have very close relationship with them and my DIL also. I am very lucky. I still get together either our son's first wife and an old girlfriend of his...Great relationship with SIL and other grandchildren too...I have a very wonderful life.

As far as Caitlyn's wedding gown..take it to a cleaners they will clean it, pack it in an acid free paper and box to preserve it. We did that with my daughters...the cleaners that preserved Kristine's said it was the heaviest he ever did...loaded with beads and sequins with long train. It's not a cheap process but so worth it.

Terri M

Well-Known Member
Hi there, folks!
I have been off-line for a while. Last week we went to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, for a reunion with cousins from my dad’s side of the family. We do this about every three years, and we always get 25 to 35 people and have a great time. I have also been doing a lot of work trying to replace our washed out bridges on the trails. So Saturday we had a workday; I gave my usual safety talk at the beginning, and then 15 minutes later I was being driven to urgent care because instead of paying attention to the trail as I walked down the hill, I tripped over a rock. Turns out I broke my right wrist. I will be having surgery on Friday, but in the meantime, and I’m sure after that, I am dependent on my left hand, and I am ridiculously clumsy with my left hand.

I am working on figuring out how to do texting and email by talking to my phone or my computer, but it drives my husband crazy because he keeps thinking I’m talking to him. I end up with all kinds of phrases in my messages like “hush I’m talking to the computer.” This morning he is out taking the car for service so I can talk as much as I want.

I am hoping that I can do two more scrapbook pages with my left hand, so I can get my six challenges in this month. They will probably look pretty messy!

What has worried me most about the broken wrist is that in two weeks we are scheduled to leave for Europe for a cruise/land vacation. We have been planning this trip with friends for over a year. The doctors and the staff at the orthopedic center have been fantastic and all are determined that I will get this done in time to go on my cruise! I love those people!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good morning my O friends!! I wish I could catch up with all of you today, but I slept in late and now have to hurry and get my backpack ready and hit the road running. Looks like its going to be great hiking weather and SIL Linda is joining me on this one, so that is nice! I will say before I leave that yes @faerywings the fog did lift and we had a great time out on the lake yesterday, it was kind of misty the whole time, but the leaves are starting to turn and it was very pretty!! Anyway sorry to all of you that I am not catching up with, I hope to be able to tomorrow!! :waving1


Love my O Family!
@mimes1 I am LMBO at the "Take it (homing pigeon) to Amy!" comment. Of course-- who else? LOL I am glad that your friend was able to take him in. So--- are racing pigeons just let out to fend for themselves when they aren't wanted any longer? Or just this one particular @*^%#$ owner? Either way, I am so happy for your friend and for the bird ♥

@vickyday Gary seemed a little better yesterday. I could see how he was struggling at the wedding, his stomach was such a mess. He sees the Lyme dr tomorrow and who knows, maybe this time she have something that will help. (yeah, that is *not* gonna happen but it's nice to dream...)
I hope that you see the sunshine today if it didn't come out yesterday.
Donating the coloring books to the assisted living facility would be very nice. Your library could be another place that might want them if the facility doesn't want them.

J needs to go out, BRB!
I pray the Lyme doc can help your poor hubby! I can sympathize with him!
No sunshine yesterday! But we have it today!
Yes, I've thought about the library for most of my books. I just need to take a day and do it!


Love my O Family!
Good morning my O friends!! I wish I could catch up with all of you today, but I slept in late and now have to hurry and get my backpack ready and hit the road running. Looks like its going to be great hiking weather and SIL Linda is joining me on this one, so that is nice! I will say before I leave that yes @faerywings the fog did lift and we had a great time out on the lake yesterday, it was kind of misty the whole time, but the leaves are starting to turn and it was very pretty!! Anyway sorry to all of you that I am not catching up with, I hope to be able to tomorrow!! :waving1
Have a great hike!


Morning, gals... I slept in again this morning... And, yes, @faerywings ... it was because I was reading late. Picked up "The Inheritance" by Nora Roberts from the library yesterday. Ended up reading until 11PM until the words started blurring. It is book 1 of the Lost Brides series. Book 2 is coming out next month so had to read Book 1 now.

I did get all my errands done yesterday. The knee is still 'iffy'... it pops sometimes when I move the leg. UGH!!! Not ready to have knee preplacement on it... so will just baby it for awhile. Then I had to play around with scrapping 2 LOs that will be released the end of the month. I had forgotten that Color Play will be released while DD#1 is here.. so I may spend some time to work on a few of them.

@Terri M So sorry to hear about your fall and broken wrist! Of course, it had to be your right wrist. Sorry you need surgery on it. Hope it doesn't interfere too much with your up-coming cruise.

@taxed4ever Glad you and SiL had a good day on the lake. What a peaceful day it must have been with mist hanging around. Enjoy your hike today.

Be back later.


Love my O Family!
Hi there, folks!
I have been off-line for a while. Last week we went to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, for a reunion with cousins from my dad’s side of the family. We do this about every three years, and we always get 25 to 35 people and have a great time. I have also been doing a lot of work trying to replace our washed out bridges on the trails. So Saturday we had a workday; I gave my usual safety talk at the beginning, and then 15 minutes later I was being driven to urgent care because instead of paying attention to the trail as I walked down the hill, I tripped over a rock. Turns out I broke my right wrist. I will be having surgery on Friday, but in the meantime, and I’m sure after that, I am dependent on my left hand, and I am ridiculously clumsy with my left hand.

I am working on figuring out how to do texting and email by talking to my phone or my computer, but it drives my husband crazy because he keeps thinking I’m talking to him. I end up with all kinds of phrases in my messages like “hush I’m talking to the computer.” This morning he is out taking the car for service so I can talk as much as I want.

I am hoping that I can do two more scrapbook pages with my left hand, so I can get my six challenges in this month. They will probably look pretty messy!

What has worried me most about the broken wrist is that in two weeks we are scheduled to leave for Europe for a cruise/land vacation. We have been planning this trip with friends for over a year. The doctors and the staff at the orthopedic center have been fantastic and all are determined that I will get this done in time to go on my cruise! I love those people!
Hate to hear this, Terri! You should be good to go in 2 weeks for your cruise. I broke my wrist last October, but I didn't have to have surgery. I hope that is not an issue! Prayers for quick healing and no problems on the cruise!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
I slept in this morning as I could not fall asleep for the life of me last night. I finally got up at 1 and drank some sleepy time tea. Still took an hour and a half and some YouTube videos before I got drowsy enough to return to the bed.
Anyway, quick in and out. Getting ready to go to lunch with Mark.
Had a great day with Ilene and her cousin, Jo, yesterday. It rained all day, but we were inside playing Qwirkle and Rummikub anyway so it didn't matter. We went to Ruby Tuesday's for lunch as they were having a great sale on their sandwiches, which included fries or tots.
Gotta work on my August Monthly Review pages today! No other plans except church tonight.
Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning! Its raining. Can you believe it? :giggle4: It poured all night and was pleasant to listen to while reading in bed. Surprising we still have the window open 3" all night. I know it will end soon but surprised it hasn't already.

It sounds like a very successful do-nothing day. Do you get antsy from that? I have such a hard time staying still that sometimes it's better for me to keep pushing through than try to be still.
It was a successful do nothing. Growing up we either sat in front of the tv (dads fav pastime) and weren't allowed to talk unless commercials. or we were in our rooms reading. We didn't get loud, weren't allowed. So for me, quiet is easy and I dont get antsy unless its the second day of doing nothing nothing. Post appendectomy was hard. Sit, only get up to potty, no house work. No cooking. That's when its hard. When its mandated and more than a day in a row. Otherwise between Digital scrapping, movies and books I am good to sit and let my body do what it needs. Plus when I push through too far, I cant move the next day, literally cant move. Travel is the only time I truly push past the point of no return and then I go to bed early and do nothing the next day.
I tripped over a rock. Turns out I broke my right wrist. I will be having surgery on Friday, but in the meantime, and I’m sure after that, I am dependent on my left hand, and I am ridiculously clumsy with my left hand.
Oh Terri that sounds painful. I hope the surgery is quick and you can make your cruise. Prayers for not complications.

Today is Wednesday. The good news is I feel amazing right now, but the day is only 30 minute old :giggle4: Its going to be a great day though and I have all my spoons for the moment. Thankfully I can putter around and not have to hurry when cooking. I tell all my helpers, I putter, I start early so I can take a break as needed and there will be down time while things simmer. So far all are good with it but the newest and thats just she doesn't know the routine and she's over eager and fast moving. But soon she will figure it out or find somewhere else to help.

Have a wonderful day!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Hubs has been down at his mom ' s all morning, the sister who monitors the start to her day via cameras called this morning to tell him mom had fallen with her walker in the bedroom. That sister is on her way from the Twin Cities to take her to the doctor. She's been in that house longer than she should have been, but the stubborn came from that woman. It would be best if this got her somewhere safe. I'm heading to the dentist


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Well, here I am at the late hour. It's not late for me, but it probably is for some of you. What have I done today? Well, biggie - I washed my hair. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: That's a biggie for me - then letting it dry on its own, and then "managing" my crazy, insane bangs. I have to take my big barrel curling iron to them. I need to order my hair color again and do my color.

Oh, I fixed myself some veggie lasagna for dinner tonight. I love the Amy's Frozen Veggie Lasagna.

I'm not quite as "scattered" as I was last night, but not quite where I should be. HUGS to ALL. XOXO