
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, September 24


The Loopy-O
Hey there, O-Fam! How are you all today?
It's still early and the caffeine is just starting to work its magic, but I think my side effects are finally over. Even yesterday, I had terrible brain fog and fatigue and it felt like my heart was racing. Scott and I were chatting in the afternoon and he gets similar reactions as I do. We compared Pfizer vs Moderna and he agrees that we both react worse to the Moderna one.

Gary was still really sick, he was worse yesterday than Sunday and had to cancel the LLMD again. Good for me, I didn't want to spend my entire day in the car/Dr office. Not good for him though.

I'm feeling nervous and excited and a little more nervous about Homeschool (I'm going to use HS from now on) starting this afternoon. Which is so silly- but it's something new and different and I want to do my best. The center director called and asked my thoughts on the second fall session (Nov-Dec) and if I was up for doing it for 6 weeks instead of the 4 we initially planned for. Sure, why not!?

Oh and thank you for the rain vibes! It drizzled on and off much of the afternoon yesterday. Yay!



The Loopy-O
@vickyday That's the weirdest thing with Mark's truck. Gary told me the other day he was poking around looking for used cars but he only wants to get one from the 1970s-80s, before they became all computerized. Not that we can afford one no matter what year it is but it's funny that he'd like to go back when he can do all of the repairs himself.
Normal?? What ever does that mean? :floorlaugh:
As soon as I typed that, I thought the same thing! LOL

@Terri M I am happy that your fingers are working and the pain seems to be subsiding. Are you feeling better about the flight/cruise with the way you are healing so far? (Look at it this way, you won't have to be the one dragging all of the luggage :wehaveawinner: LOL)

@taxed4ever We got the rain vibes! TY! What fun stuff did you accomplish yesterday with the house nice and quiet? Or did it not stay that way?
Cait and Tom did pretty ok for the food. The dinner menu always had one vegan option and Tom eats just about anything (as long as it is vegan of course :greengrin: ). Caitlyn usually ate the vegan option since the rest was typically meat. They also had a vegan curry that was always available, just had to ask for it. The buffet had lots of fruits and veggies so they did good.
How was the house hunting for Heather?? *fingers crossed for good news!*

Yes, silly you! Slowing down isn't really in your vocabulary is it. :heartpumppink: :giggle4:
Takes one to know one! :rotfl:
That stinks that you don't have a fireplace but if the power outages only last a few hours, it's more of a boredom issue than a personal safety issue I guess. We had a wood stove before we put the addition on this house and I miss it. I hope that this winter doesn't have too many outages for you.

What a story!! What a mess!!! And I can imagine the little voice in your head saying -- are you *sure* that is a good idea? at each step. I know I'd be yelling much worse than Oh No! through the entire ordeal.
I'm glad that you can laugh about it now.

@Cherylndesigns Hope that your weather stays where it was. for you, 70s and sunny are the perfect time of year.
It got cold here-- Yesterday was in the 50s, today will be around 60 but it's damp. Thx for the link for your page, the gallery has been super slow for me so I appreciate that.

Time to get in the shower and pick up my grocery order soon.



Love my O Family!
Hey there, O-Fam! How are you all today?
It's still early and the caffeine is just starting to work its magic, but I think my side effects are finally over. Even yesterday, I had terrible brain fog and fatigue and it felt like my heart was racing. Scott and I were chatting in the afternoon and he gets similar reactions as I do. We compared Pfizer vs Moderna and he agrees that we both react worse to the Moderna one.

Gary was still really sick, he was worse yesterday than Sunday and had to cancel the LLMD again. Good for me, I didn't want to spend my entire day in the car/Dr office. Not good for him though.

I'm feeling nervous and excited and a little more nervous about Homeschool (I'm going to use HS from now on) starting this afternoon. Which is so silly- but it's something new and different and I want to do my best. The center director called and asked my thoughts on the second fall session (Nov-Dec) and if I was up for doing it for 6 weeks instead of the 4 we initially planned for. Sure, why not!?

Oh and thank you for the rain vibes! It drizzled on and off much of the afternoon yesterday. Yay!

So glad the side effects are over with for you! But I'm sad that Gary isn't doing well. Is it cold/flu type of stuff? I sure pray he starts feeling better!
You will do great on the Homeschooling.....no matter that it is different! It's still teaching, right?! Plus, you will be a little more free to teach experientially since nature is your thing! You've got this, girl! :heartpumplove:


Love my O Family!
@vickyday That's the weirdest thing with Mark's truck. Gary told me the other day he was poking around looking for used cars but he only wants to get one from the 1970s-80s, before they became all computerized. Not that we can afford one no matter what year it is but it's funny that he'd like to go back when he can do all of the repairs himself.

As soon as I typed that, I thought the same thing! LOL

@Terri M I am happy that your fingers are working and the pain seems to be subsiding. Are you feeling better about the flight/cruise with the way you are healing so far? (Look at it this way, you won't have to be the one dragging all of the luggage :wehaveawinner: LOL)

@taxed4ever We got the rain vibes! TY! What fun stuff did you accomplish yesterday with the house nice and quiet? Or did it not stay that way?
Cait and Tom did pretty ok for the food. The dinner menu always had one vegan option and Tom eats just about anything (as long as it is vegan of course :greengrin: ). Caitlyn usually ate the vegan option since the rest was typically meat. They also had a vegan curry that was always available, just had to ask for it. The buffet had lots of fruits and veggies so they did good.
How was the house hunting for Heather?? *fingers crossed for good news!*

Takes one to know one! :rotfl:
That stinks that you don't have a fireplace but if the power outages only last a few hours, it's more of a boredom issue than a personal safety issue I guess. We had a wood stove before we put the addition on this house and I miss it. I hope that this winter doesn't have too many outages for you.

What a story!! What a mess!!! And I can imagine the little voice in your head saying -- are you *sure* that is a good idea? at each step. I know I'd be yelling much worse than Oh No! through the entire ordeal.
I'm glad that you can laugh about it now.

@Cherylndesigns Hope that your weather stays where it was. for you, 70s and sunny are the perfect time of year.
It got cold here-- Yesterday was in the 50s, today will be around 60 but it's damp. Thx for the link for your page, the gallery has been super slow for me so I appreciate that.

Time to get in the shower and pick up my grocery order soon.

I know, right? Lesson learned, for sure!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning my Lovely O Fam

I'm feeling nervous and excited and a little more nervous about Homeschool (I'm going to use HS from now on) starting this afternoon. Which is so silly- but it's something new and different and I want to do my best. The center director called and asked my thoughts on the second fall session (Nov-Dec) and if I was up for doing it for 6 weeks instead of the 4 we initially planned for. Sure, why not!?
You will rock this! Just be prepared for more questions. Up here at least, I find the HS kids are a little more tuned in. They get distracted but they seems to be a bit more focused cause for them school is that moment then they can goof off after. More of a want to be there instead of have to be there. I wasn't ready for my first time supervising a HS field trip after coming out of public school and how field trips worked. But this is your passion and you will rock the study! It will be amazing and they know it and are prepared for you to do more cause they know it will be amazing!!!! Wish we could attend.
Takes one to know one! :rotfl:
That stinks that you don't have a fireplace but if the power outages only last a few hours, it's more of a boredom issue than a personal safety issue I guess. We had a wood stove before we put the addition on this house and I miss it. I hope that this winter doesn't have too many outages for you.
Ummmmmmm yeah. :rotfl:
It does stink at times we dont have a fireplace. We talk about that and a generator every year when the power goes out. One of these days we will follow through and get one. I know we will have at least 3 power outages this winter. Just the way the winds blow. Blows trees right into the lines. They really need t move the lines.

Todays a slower day. Have PT then the rest of the day is home. I can finish putting away the laundry and maybe clean the bathroom. Oh shoot I still have to figure out dinner. Spaghetti, chicken, or PBJ? Hmmmmm maybe spaghetti with homemade garlic breadsticks.

Need coffee. Have a wonderful day.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning! It is very foggy out there but the sun is trying its hardest to burn the fog off. Last night I went to a fund raiser for the local hospice a showing of a movie called "Thelma". It was a hoot!! If you ever get a chance to see it you really must!! Its about an elderly woman who gets scammed out of $10,000 and she gets the help of another elderly friend with a scooter to help her get her money back. Laughter, tears and drama all rolled into one. :lovey3: I am going to work on another layout today and do some more puttering around in my craft room. I really need to get going on some Christmas cards and gift ideas too. I have to be organized this year!!

I'm feeling nervous and excited and a little more nervous about Homeschool (I'm going to use HS from now on) starting this afternoon. Which is so silly- but it's something new and different and I want to do my best. The center director called and asked my thoughts on the second fall session (Nov-Dec) and if I was up for doing it for 6 weeks instead of the 4 we initially planned for. Sure, why not!?

Oh and thank you for the rain vibes! It drizzled on and off much of the afternoon yesterday. Yay!
Your poor Gary!! He sure struggles with sickness doesn't he! Sending him lots of good health vibes and hopefully he will feel well enough to get to the Dr. soon! Glad that you are feeling better though and yes Moderna made us feel crappy too, we will stick with the Pfizer or nothing at all. You will do amazing with HS, you got this!! Its right up your alley, just a bit different than what you used to do right?!!

@vickyday OMG what a messy clean up you had!!! Sounds very much like something that would happen to me LOL. Glad that you got it all cleaned up and hope that you can find a new one! I know that I would have been shouting alot worse than Oh No!:giggle4:

Todays a slower day. Have PT then the rest of the day is home. I can finish putting away the laundry and maybe clean the bathroom. Oh shoot I still have to figure out dinner. Spaghetti, chicken, or PBJ? Hmmmmm maybe spaghetti with homemade garlic breadsticks.
I love those slower days! Hope you don't have one of those days when all you see are squirrels!! That was always my go to dinner when I ate pasta, DH and I loved spaghetti with garlic bread. We haven't had that in years!! Hope you have an enjoyable day!

Well Heather has called and we have been face timing for almost an hour, so I better get this posted before I lose it! Have a great day everyone! I am off to the :showering::waving1

Terri M

Well-Known Member
I drove myself to my haircut this morning! :woohoo:
OK, it was only 3 miles, and I have to reach over with my left hand to change gears from Park to Drive or Reverse, but I have my independence back, at least for close-by. Now I just can't wait until I can knit again. And ride my bike -- although this chilly, rainy week isn't really calling me to that.

Went out to lunch with friends. Did a layout for week 37 Project Life, so I'm almost caught up. That sounds like I've done enough to deserve either a book or a nap, so off I go.


Well-Known Member
I've ready everyones daily news but have not had time to comment so will try to do a few today.

I have been going to the community center pool every day for pool aerobics which turns into an hour in the pool then an hour chatting and sitting in the sun to dry off. We have been helping a recently widowed friend with her french drains at her house. Obligations at the club have been taking more time than we want but it is nearing an end.

Our big thing now is the future hurricane Helene. We are on the west coast of Florida just North of Tampa Bay. Our house is 3/4 mile from shore and 13 ft above sea level....yup a little nervous. Jay filled truck with diesel, filled my van with gas and got 2 cans for the generator. We will stabilize the travel trailer later. I will bring in the bird feeders and wind chimes. We will secure the front and back patio furniture before the rain/wind. Then hunker down to see what really happens. At this point it looks like big bend and panhandle will get the brunt of it but being on the east side of the cone is not the best news for us.

now to everyone else
@AK_Tracy power outage up there must be no joke!!! you must have alternate heat source. Dear son called and said he is going to have 3 heat sources in his future retirement McCabin in upstate NY. Radiant heat in the floor, 2 mini-splits that work at -30 and a wood stove with air vents to whole house. He goes up to work on it when he can get away from his shop in CT.

@Terri M Awesome driving already---good for you. Have a good time getting ready for your trip.

Well my time is up...got a call to go to club to help secure the patio furniture around the pool. We always have stuff to do there.

I will try again tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
@BoatLady I'll pray the hurricane goes around you and you don't have to deal with all that unpleasantness. :eek3: How nice that all the community works together to get everything secure. You have such an awesome neighborhood and community. I saw your picture on FB this morning and it's just gorgeous there.

@TerriM good job driving today!!
@faerywings You'll do so well with HS - you're so relatable and fun and I can't imagine the kids wouldn't agree and have an amazing semester out in nature learning all the cool things you're going to teach them. :flower:

@AK_Tracy even a short power outage must be a little disconcerting up there. If they go super long do you have to go somewhere else? We get them somewhat routinely here for the same reason you do - trees into the power lines. Or cars. We've had 8 hours here, and before we moved here the neighbors tell us about the week long outage they had years ago. If you had a power outage for that long I would definitely worry about you!

@taxed4ever that movie sounds like fun! It rings familiar - we'll have to look for it.

Mark continues to do well after his surgery. I'll be heading back to work tomorrow. I'll take long lunches and come home and pack him back up in ice. He's ready for me to go back to work too. Hah. I keep reminding him that he can't use his left arm. Hopefully he won't hurt himself by overdoing it.


Love my O Family!
I drove myself to my haircut this morning! :woohoo:
OK, it was only 3 miles, and I have to reach over with my left hand to change gears from Park to Drive or Reverse, but I have my independence back, at least for close-by. Now I just can't wait until I can knit again. And ride my bike -- although this chilly, rainy week isn't really calling me to that.

Went out to lunch with friends. Did a layout for week 37 Project Life, so I'm almost caught up. That sounds like I've done enough to deserve either a book or a nap, so off I go.
YAY! You're getting there.....back to normal!


Well-Known Member
I love those slower days! Hope you don't have one of those days when all you see are squirrels!!
So far so good, no squirrels. Sitting with my feet up catching up on LO for personal use.
Went out to lunch with friends. Did a layout for week 37 Project Life, so I'm almost caught up. That sounds like I've done enough to deserve either a book or a nap, so off I go.
WOW Terri you rock! Way to get out there and get moving again. Its been less then a week!!
you must have alternate heat source.
Debby I pray the hurricane misses you and youre all safe. Sadly we dont have alternative heat source. We have infloor heat and that's all. So far, we've been good and haven't froze but we talk about generator and wood stove every year.
@AK_Tracy even a short power outage must be a little disconcerting up there. If they go super long do you have to go somewhere else? We get them somewhat routinely here for the same reason you do - trees into the power lines. Or cars. We've had 8 hours here, and before we moved here the neighbors tell us about the week long outage they had years ago. If you had a power outage for that long I would definitely worry about you!
Power outages are so normal that we dont worry unless its really cold winter time. Most times it 5 hours max but sometimes it can be 8-10 hours. Usually we just bundle up and go to bed if its 8p. or later when the powers still out. The worst we had was over 12 hours and it got really cool here for the adult son who was here. We were on vacation when it happened. He was about to pack up and go to a friends when the power finally came on. If its windy, winter, and looks like it could be possible, we do turn the heat up to 73-75 and really heat the house so when it goes out we stay warm longer. Have done that a couple times.